
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I'm Talking to YOU.

It was last year at this time that I clicked on a video link in an email, only to see a black screen and hear the Alias theme song begin to play.

It was a tease to let me know I had a mission.

My mission was simple: wait for a follow-up video that would explain my Christmas gift from the Shan Clan.


A few days later another video arrived, and there in front of me were my friends who I knew – but with whom I had never spoken. Who I had written with back and forth, sharing our hearts and our lives and our never ending sarcasm, but had never seen in person.

My gift was that I was going to be seeing them all the time. They were going to be sending me videos of their every day lives, talking to me and performing for me, going on drives and hanging out while watching movies. Things normal friends do together that we knew we couldn't.

Except through the magic of a Flip camera.

It was the most amazing Christmas present. It has been the most amazing year of being a full-on member of their family. And in a million years, I would never have dreamed that I would go from seeing them on video for the first time last Christmas, to having them here in the condo with me for this Christmas.

My heart can barely take it. I am the most blessed human on the planet.

But it got me thinking...

Wouldn't it be fitting if this Christmas, when the Flip camera is here at my house, with my people I love so dearly, that I did the same for you? How about, while they are here, we take a minute to do a video for YOU. You who I know but have never talked to. You who I have written back and forth with, sharing our hearts and our lives and our never ending sarcasm, but have never seen in person. :)

You all know I'm not the most comfortable on the other side of the camera, but I'm thinking if I have my family hanging out with me – my sweet Nie Nie and Yodi and their parents – I might not feel so ridiculous chatting with people while being filmed.

I mean, after a whole year of doing that for me, they're old hats at it, right? So if I can get a couple of them to do a video blog with me, what do you all want to hear about?

Let's make this comment section for any questions you might have for me, for them, for us. What do you want to know about? What can we share with you while their Flip is here and I can show you around?

I'll bring you along for a bit this Christmas... it'll be lovely to have the chance to talk to YOU.


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