
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Gitz Bits 2010: Week 52

Can you believe it??? We made it through a whole year!

365 days.

52 weeks.

I honestly didn't think I would have enough to show you guys in this little condo for a full year, but we managed to do it. Now I just need to know if you're all still in the mood for a Gitz Bits 2011 version, or if you're ready for something new. Let me know in the comment section if we should start over next Tuesday or if you all have suggestions for something else you'd like to see in its spot.

Because I do it all for you... I figure you should have a say. Smile

For now, welcome to the final week of 2010!

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Monday, December 27, 2010


The Shan Clan left on Sunday night, and the only word I can think of to describe Monday was "displaced." I felt out of place in my own house being alone again, so I found myself flipping through the Shutterfly photo book Shannon had made me for Christmas of their July visit.

All I can say is that you know I love these people a lot, because I was still about 40 pounds heavier from Cushing's back then and I don't even care about it in the photos. I mean, I do, but I care about the emotions more.

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I don't think Riley felt as much displaced as exhausted.

It was hard on him being good and not biting little people for so many days in a row. The pup needed his rest.

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Wednesday, December 29, 2010


And the d-r-e-a-r-y weather did not help our sunny dispositions. Can you believe how icky and foggy it was? But in truth, it was so foggy because it was so WARM. It got up to over 40 degrees outside, before heading back into the single digits.

I almost turned on the air conditioner.

You think I'm kidding. I'm totally not.

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Thursday, December 30, 2010


Susie ran an errand for me on her week off of work and picked out a new lamp at Target. The day before I had turned the other one on that I had by my bed, and it knocked out the breaker for my bedroom.

I figured it was a fluke. So I changed the light bulb and tried it again.

Here's a tip: Don't do that. Turns out the breaker went out for a reason and I got quite a shock. So I decided to unplug it.

I'm super quick like that. :)

So Suz ran to Target, her husband Mark assembled it and her son Jonboy came over to help him put it in place. I was in heaven having all of them healthy and out of school so they weren't around sick kids and germs. I love it when they can pop over and see me!

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Friday, December 31, 2010


Riley was my date for New Year's Eve.

He looked pretty unimpressed by the whole thing, really, and still a smidge on the tired side. But I made him stay awake 'til midnight so I could at least give him a kiss on the nose.

Yes. This is what my life has come to. Winking smile

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Saturday, January 1, 2011


Since the turn of the century there have been all of these crazy number date/time things, and I'm just bored enough to document them.

So here is a screen shot of 11:11 am, at 11 seconds on 1/1/11.

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Sunday, January 2, 2011


Suz came over to visit before heading back to work on Monday. She is an amazingly smart and talented speech pathologist working with preschoolers. I am so proud of her and what she does for these kids, but I hate that she is with germ-filled little people every day because it prevents me from getting to see her for months at a time.

So her husband Mark stayed with the boys and let me monopolize her for a bit. This is a photo of her lifting Riley in he air while chanting, "Fly Riley, fly!" It's blurry because he was doing his arm motion in the way he says "please" ... and we thought he was saying to please do it again.

Until he lowered his ears and cowered every time she went to pet him. Then we realized he was saying, "For the love of all things holy, PLEASE stop!"

I found this old video of him saying "please" so you can get the full effect:

Riley Please from gitzengirl on Vimeo.

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Thanks for once again sharing my week with me! Click on the button below if you want to go to Jessica’s site and check out the other participants showing off their weekly photos as well:

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