
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Extreme Home Makeover: Aunt Sara Edition

I had more activity around this place on Saturday than I usually have in a year. Maybe two. :) And it was wonderful!

First of all, Katie, my best friend from high school, called and said her husband was going to the lake for the weekend. And she talked him into taking their kids along, too. {Thanks, Dave!} Which means she was free as a bird to come and hang out with me. It had been way too many years since I had a dose of Katie so I was thrilled to get to see her.

It worked out well because some of my family got to see her again, too. Mom told me awhile back that she had an extra pub table and chairs that would be cute in my dining room, so I had gotten rid of my table to make room for it. We had decided that my brother Steve and sister Laura would meet here when they were home this weekend to make the delivery.

The first great surprise was that Mom was able to come, too!

_MG_4249{Katie and Mom}

Laura and her husband Jeff, along with my brother Steve and his kids, Cooper and Avery, all came in with lots of hugs and love. And then they scurried me off to my old room so they could open doors and carry in the tables.

At least I thought it was just tables. Cooper had declared this the Extreme Home Makeover: Aunt Sara Edition and said they'd take care of everything.

I thought it was cute. I had NO IDEA he was serious.

_MG_4245{my sister Laura, nephew Cooper and brother Steve}

Avery and Katie came back to hang out with me in the other room, and Avery and I decided we couldn't wait to get back to snuggling in the new comfy bed.

_MG_4247{Avery… she decided she may need a bed like mine…}


And, of course, Riley wanted to make sure he got in a picture, too. The hardest part was keeping his nose out of all the other ones. :)

So after being in the back room and hearing lots of hushed tones and things being hung on the walls, I finally got the green light to come out and see the big reveal.

And I'm not going to lie… I was so shocked that some expletives, which shouldn't be said in front of children, may have exploded from my lips!

Everyone say it with me now… "Move That Bus!"

The TV corner before…


And the TV corner AFTER:


The couch view before…


And the couch view AFTER:


Yep! It magically turned into entirely different furniture! Thanks to my sister Laura getting a new living room set, I got the prettiest hand-me-downs I've ever seen.

It so pays to be the youngest. :)

The kitchen before…


And the kitchen AFTER:



Is it just me, or does it look like I have an adorable little café right in the next room? I'm pretending it's on a quaint little Paris street.

The bed before…


And the bed AFTER:


Full room view then…




You guys! Seriously. I couldn't wait to show you. I have never felt so decadent or even dreamed of anything so beautiful. They keep saying they are the ones that had fun that day, but there is no way anyone's heart could be bursting more than mine.

By the end, Avery was exhausted…


And I can't stop smiling. :)

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