
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Gitz Bits: week 28

gitz bits 2011 2

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Monday, July 11, 2011


No, I'm not a lush. ;)

My friends Kelly and Kathy came over for supper on Monday night, and since neither of them wanted their picture taken {I tried to convince them after my makeup-less, bedhead photo, but to no avail!} I took this photo to represent them.

You gotta work with what's available.

Kathy is my friend that calls me for questions of all things Catholic, which got interesting this past Lent when she wanted to know if it was breaking the rules if she just gave up wine Monday through Thursday and took the long weekend off each week.

After I finished laughing, and then realizing she was serious, I promised her I'd ask my mom to get a second opinion. That worked in her favor because my mom raised six kids and told Kathy that God would want her to have the wine if it made her a better mother.

I think Kathy is just bypassing me and going straight to my mom with these questions in the future.

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Remember cute and cuddly Simon and Theodore? They're looking less cute to me by the day because my patio looks AWFUL.

Although I think it might have been entertaining to watch them break the little windmill looking lawn ornament. Can't you just picture them grabbing onto a blade and yelling "WHEEEE!"

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I get this look a lot.

I was busy re-watching all the seasons of LOST on Netflix, and Riley got a little irritated with the television getting all of my attention. So he sat right in front of it and stared me down.

He wiggles in between me and Padma a lot, and every time I answer the phone he leaps on me and lays across my chest to try to wriggle it out of my hands.

Which is super convenient considering I can't breathe anyway. At least he's got that cute thing going for him...

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Thursday, July 14, 2011


Dawn brought me the new frozen strawberry lemonade from McDonalds. I love her.

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Friday, July 15, 2011


There's a whole blog post in this photo. I'm sure of it. Because the storm clouds close and the break of light on the horizon just screams hope to me.

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Saturday, July 16, 2011


When Linda brought groceries this week, she brought along these two ears of sweet corn. Lord have mercy, I love summer in Iowa.

I also realized how crooked my bottom row of teeth are for how long it took me to rid them of the corn.

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Sunday, July 17, 2011


I was watching a Criminal Minds marathon on Sunday night, and I decided that these ASPCA commercials are more disturbing than the show's story lines. I hear Sarah McLachlan or Roberta Flack coming on the screen and I immediately have to mute it and look away.

And hug Riley. They get me every time.

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Thanks for once again sharing my week with me! Click on the button below if you want to go to Jessica’s site and check out the other participants showing off their weekly photos as well:

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