
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Birthday Moments…

Hey there, peeps! :)

Thank you SO very, very much for the birthday wishes! It was so much fun getting to read about your favorite gifts… and it was especially fun when you said the question brought back memories that had long been forgotten or came out of nowhere. I love moments that come flooding back… and love even more that I got to share in them with you!

I had a lovely birthday. It was rainy here and I didn’t start off feeling the greatest [funny how a disease won’t give you the day off for special occasions], but it got better as the day went on, and it turned into an eventful evening!

I’m trying to write this post quickly and fill it with photos because during my birthday celebration with friends we had a power outage… nothing like a birthday by candlelight! Well, it was actually a birthday by flashlight, and I was later relieved to discover I had little votive candles. I think my friends were surprised I had anything on hand… I’m not very good for stocking up in case of an emergency. We’ll just say that Susie had extra bottled water for me during the Millennium New Year in case the world went to hell in a hand basket. :)

Anyway, the power is back on and I want to get something written and posted quick in case the electricity decides to go out again!


We celebrated in good old-fashioned birthday style, as my friend Heidi had mailed me out a box of birthday decorations this week. How fun is that?!? She said she wished she could be here to decorate my condo, but sent the supplies along… complete with a Happy Birthday banner and everything. It made it so fun to feel like she was right there celebrating with us.


And the decorations even included a little cake decoration filled with chocolate goodies, which pretty much tells you the theme of my day… FOOD. Good God, people, trust me when I tell you my friends will never let me go hungry. The ironic part is that I literally spent the 90s avoiding food as much as possible, and now it seems that all the food I passed up is finding its way back to my door! Literally.


I started the day off by opening my door to find THIS cake waiting for me in the hallway. My friend Kelly had made me a Better Than Sex Cake… think German chocolate cake with holes poked in it, and then drizzled with sweetened condensed milk and caramel topping. Put some cool whip on top of that and then garnish it with some crushed Heath bar… and you have a party in your mouth.

Did I mention that no food has calories on your birthday? No? Well, it’s a rule. Somewhere.


And in the spirit of full disclosure, I dove in with a fork before the thought of taking a photo crossed my mind. :)


Next to the cake was a box that came in the mail from my friend Wente, who must have been afraid I would be cake-less since she sent me a few little treasures as well.


Good thing my neighbor Laura and her husband Dave stopped by with some liquid refreshments or I wouldn’t have had anything to wash that cake down with… and we’d hate for a girl to be parched on her birthday.

Oh… and did I mention my friends that came over for supper? Did I mention the Chinese take out and the Jell-O cake that they brought with them? The cake that, during the great black-out of 2009, Riley managed to jump up on a chair and get a few bites out of before Susie realized he was in a room all by himself? Yep. That cake. It was pretty darn tasty as well. [Just ask the dog.]

And while I LOVED all the Facebook well wishes, and the special blog post that my friend Jessica put up telling people to come check out my giveaway, and the fact that my friend Matthew told all of his Twitter followers to send me birthday wishes… the absolute, hands-down, best part of my day came from my sweet class of first and second graders.

My friend Deb took video of them singing Happy Birthday to me, and then they each recorded a special birthday greeting as well. My heart exploded like you wouldn’t believe. I LOVE these kids. I wish I could put the video up for you all to see… they are so sweet and funny, and they absolutely made my day.

All in all, I’d say 36 is off to a good start.

***** ***** *****

What’s that? I forgot something?

Oh, right! Must be the old age setting in…. the winner of yesterday’s canvas is:

Mandy Thompson!!!

Congrats, girlie! :) Send me an email with your mailing address to and I’ll get it sent off to you!!!


  1. house on rancheroMay 14, 2009 at 5:19 AM

    Sounds like a yummy Birthday!! Happy Day after your Birthday!! Can't wait for our time together :*

  2. Robin~All Things Heart and HomeMay 14, 2009 at 5:40 AM

    It's early here. I have coffee. Now I want cake...the better than sex cake. I reeeeally want a platter of that!
    I'm so glad your day was sweet!
    love you

    Recent blog post: Baby Sister’s Laundry Room Re~do!

  3. Happy Day-After-Your-Birthday!!

  4. so glad it was such a wonderful day. you are so loved, my friend.

    i hope you've been getting my emails...

    [i'm excited mandypants won!!!]

    Recent blog post: worthy of my suffering

  5. Man, your IRL friends are awesome!
    So glad that you had a special day like you deserve ... and that Riley was able to get in on the action too : )

  6. I'm so upset that the one day I couldn't read your blog I ended up missing your birthday AND Hump Day Give-Away! Shucks!
    But I'm so glad to hear you had a wonderful birthday!

  7. Mary @ Giving Up On PerfectMay 14, 2009 at 9:08 AM

    Yay!! You got your Chinese takeout!! And that cake decorative thingy is just too cute!

    Recent blog post: Good thing Kinko's can print on short notice.

  8. Yeah! What a fun birthday! I love surprises!

    Recent blog post: Happy Birthday Big Girl!

  9. So how about sending some of that better than sex cake my way...I guess the recipe will suffice. I'm glad you had such a great birthday!! I wish nothing but the best for you this year and all the rest. May it be filled with lots of love!

    Recent blog post: Kenzie's Birthday Party

  10. You are so loved by so many people, lucky girl! I'm glad your birthday was so wonderful.

  11. I sent you a "birthday card" on FB, but came back to me. And had trouble with my computer all day. I'm so flustered at this point, that I can't remember if I came by here yesterday, to wish you a wonderful birthday. But just in case...Happy Happy Belated Birthday to You!
    P.S. If you don't want any of the stuff that I send you on FB...just hit the little ignor button - it won't hurt my feelings in the least;-)

    Recent blog post: Comfort Food

  12. You are LOVED!!! Of course, how could you NOT be?! :)

    Recent blog post: Time For Word Wackiness!

  13. I LOVE me some Moscato d'Asti!
    And anything with your fingerprints on it. :)YAY!!!!

    Recent blog post: And now, it’s time for: CHOCOBACON!!!

  14. Happy Belated! I so meant to send you a card and totally got lost in Dylan's birthday celebration. You and him had the same napkins and cups you know :)

    Recent blog post: A Day of Celebration

  15. So glad to hear you had such a fun day. I hope my birthday jinx is not rubbing off on you with the power outage and all ;) But I for one love a tiny bit of drama on my birthday, or it wouldn't be a birthday for me.

    Recent blog post: Happy 7th Birthday Colton Jack!

  16. I got my canvas. I hung it on the wall immediately.

    It is STUNNING.

    I'm beside myself really.

    Recent blog post: dandelions

  17. yummy would definitely be the right adjective! how's jon? 8-)

    Recent blog post: Birthday Moments…

  18. i just had a piece for you if that makes you feel any better.... :-D

    Recent blog post: Birthday Moments…

  19. thanks, girlie!

    Recent blog post: Birthday Moments…

  20. i haven't gotten any emails from you for awhile... i'll go check the spam monster as soon as i finish these comments...

    Recent blog post: Birthday Moments…

  21. they are pretty darn cool, aren't they?

    Recent blog post: Birthday Moments…

  22. good thing about hump day giveaway... if you miss one it will be right back the next week!!! :)

    Recent blog post: Birthday Moments…

  23. I actually thought of you and out tweets about it when we decided on chinese!!!

    Recent blog post: Birthday Moments…

  24. just know if you make it once, you can never go back... it's soooo good you'll make it for every birthday...

    Recent blog post: Birthday Moments…

  25. i am a ridiculously lucky girl. :-D

    Recent blog post: Birthday Moments…

  26. wrestling with computers can be so frustrating, can't it?!?! thanks for the good wishes, Libby...

    Recent blog post: Birthday Moments…

  27. I am loved... more than I deserve, but I'll take it!

    Recent blog post: Birthday Moments…

  28. ok, i'd never had it before but it is absolutely my new favorite! it almost went down too easy :)

  29. awww... I loved that we shared the same birthday stuff!!!

  30. Oh, it was a fun bit of drama... I was holding the flashlight like the statue of liberty, without meaning to. :) I'm such a dork.

  31. That is a great looking chocolate cake, and fancy looking candle.

    You are blessed with so many friends, especially those school kids.

    Have a great 36th year. I would tell you about mine but it was so long ago I can't remember what it was like.

    I should not have read your post before I made supper. Now I have to run out for some Chinese take-out and chocolate cake.

    Recent blog post: Bible Study – Psalm 121 “The Travelers Psalm”

  32. I really admired you photos here. Btw, can I have some byte(bite):D in your cake? Have a nice day.

    Recent blog post: Watch Marquez vs Mayweather Match Live Online Streaming

  33. You should definitely get the takeout; I ate leftover Chinese and cake for supper... it was still good :)

    Recent blog post: Birthday Moments…
