
Friday, May 15, 2009

Flashback Friday: The Blender

So, when I started this blog I made a conscious decision that I wasn’t going to start acknowledging everyone’s birthdays. The thing is, I have a big family, lots of nieces and nephews, and a lot of really good friends… which means this blog would be a constant birthday central.

But today’s is different because my birthday and Susie’s birthday is essentially one in the same. And me celebrating without her, and vice versa, is just… well… against the laws of the universe. I think it ranks right up there with the whole E=mc2 thing.

When Suz and I met in college [if you haven’t read that story, you really should] we were instant best friends… and then we began to discover that fate had shaped our lives in a way that predestined us to meet.

My brother and her cousin’s husband worked and socialized together. My sister and her cousin’s wife are best friends. My dad and her uncle served on an insurance board together. One of her mom’s best friends and my mom are related. And to top it all off, our birthdays are two days apart.

I, of course, am older. That’s why I get to boss her around.

And it’s no surprise that when I asked you all to tell me your favorite birthday gift the other day, the one that came to my mind involved Suz. We lived together in college with our friends Amy and Wente [who I’ve referred to before as The Big House Girls], and we really loved having parties. In my early years of college, parties were more like you’d imagine college house parties to be. But by the time we moved into the Big House, Susie, Wente and Amy were in grad school for their Speech Pathology degrees and I was finishing classes while working at an ad agency… so our parties were more of the barbeque variety.

Think grad students, younger college students, professors, a priest, the deacon at our church and his wife… pretty much everyone and anyone was invited, and it was always a lot of fun. The only problem we had, as poor college students, is that we could put enough money together to buy the strawberries and the lime and the alcohol… but we couldn’t afford the blender.

So, if you wanted a margarita or a daiquiri… you had to bring your own blender. It gave B.Y.O.B. a whole new meaning.

suz bday 2

Guess what these ridiculously excited people got at their joint birthday party? [We were either really excited or were having a contest to see who could open their mouths the widest…]

suz bday 1

Seriously. Look at those crazy smiles!

It really seems funny to me looking back, but that was the most excited I’ve probably ever gotten over a birthday gift, and I think it’s true for a couple of reasons. First, I think you always love the simple things more when you’re living life simply. And we really were. We didn’t have anything, but we were happy and at a time in our lives where everything seemed fun.

suz bday 3

And mostly it was because, just like everything else, it was about the both of us together. It’s so fitting to share our birthdays, and our presents, because in so many ways we are one in the same. I can’t think of anything we didn’t do together, go through together and deal with together. And all the fun we’ve had together is just the icing on the cake.

Or the salt on the rim of the margarita, in this case.

suz bday 4

Even now, when I can’t be out and about doing daily life stuff with her, I get to hear about every detail of every party or event or conversation. She carries me with her, and nothing I do seems real until she knows about it. She’s been one of the best gifts in my life, birthday or not, and I’m so blessed that I don’t have to go through a day of it without her.

Love you, Suzaluza! Welcome to being 36. It’s been a lonely two days at this age without you. :)


  1. LOL I have that blender sitting on the shelf of my baker's rack! I was telling my daughter the other day that I really want a new one but this thing refuses to die! Mine's avocado. What color was yours? Love the post, Sara.

    Recent blog post: Maui 2008 Revisited Day 10 - Iao Valley

  2. "nothing I do seems real until she knows about it" -- perfectly said. i have a someone like that, too.

    i love those pictures of you --- so darn cute!

    Recent blog post: the 20k grand prize

  3. house on rancheroMay 15, 2009 at 5:42 AM

    CHEERS TO SUSIE today and everyday!! She is a special friend and that smile always makes me smile!!!! :*

  4. Happy birthday to Susie today! I am so glad you have her, and I am sure she feels the same about you!

  5. A belated Happy Birthday, Sara!

    My tardiness is a sign that I really like you. Seriously. Just ask my friends and family... they'll tell you that I've NEVER been on time with a birthday phone call or card.

  6. What a gift friends are, and how fun it is to share so much history with someone you love.
    Happy birthday to Susie, who sounds like a wonderful person and friend.
    Boy, I wish I would have known you guys in college! I had a blender, but couldn't afford margarita ingredients, beyond the ice : )

  7. What a beautiful post. What a beautiful friendship.

    Recent blog post: p is for preggo and puppies

  8. What a beautiful tribute to a wonderful friend! Happy Birthday Susie! Y'all are in such good company this week ;) I share a birthday a few days apart with my cousin. We grew up together going to the same church and being a large part of each other's lives. But she moved in 8th grade and I miss that easy friendship we once had. So glad you and Susie have each other!

    Recent blog post: Update and ramblings.

  9. OK... just so everyone knows - I'M the lucky one and remember she is ALWAYS the older one!!! It definitely is a blessing to find a friend who is your soul mate - and Sara is the best one ever!!! I can't imagine life without you either girlfriend! Ya know how we talked about how we'd probably have to put Riley to sleep if you "kick the bucket" (I couldn't say die - that just seems too serious) before him because he couldn't live without you - they may have to put me to sleep too!!!!! I can't imagine life without you!! For the record - we're even - reading this made me cry (and I'm at work with makeup on - darn it!)!!! :) Love ya! Luza ;)

  10. What a blessing God has given to you! Does she live near you so that y'all can get together frequently?

    Recent blog post: Well, I Did It

  11. You are adorable. Geesh- today is everyone's birthday!

    Recent blog post: Won't somebody please think of the children?!

  12. Ours was plain white, but I'm loving the retro colors... you should hang onto the avocado!

    Recent blog post: Flashback Friday: The Blender

  13. i love that you have someone like that. everyone should.

    Recent blog post: Flashback Friday: The Blender

  14. i heard you sang and danced for her in line this morning!!! :)

    Recent blog post: Flashback Friday: The Blender

  15. i thought of you when i wrote this too... isn't it crazy how simple our lives were back then? i love my college friendships.

    Recent blog post: Flashback Friday: The Blender

  16. Aww... I suspected you liked me deep down. :) But I'm still jealous you're in Florida. Could you send me some sunshine?

  17. oh, we could have had a lot of fun! :)

  18. i'm pretty darn lucky.

  19. i love that you were full of celebrations when we were too :)

  20. do you want me to post about you next week, too, so you keep getting attention? it could be the gift that keeps on giving... :-P

  21. she does! she and her family are about 10 minutes from me.

  22. Oh Ms. Danger... no one's cuter than the puppy on your blog!!!!

    Recent blog post: Flashback Friday: The Blender

  23. Happy Birthday, Susie! This is a beautiful post, Sara. Susie is just as wonderful as you describe her in this post. It still makes me happy to know that the two of you enjoyed that blender so much :).

    It was great to be able to see Susie and Deb at Jack's shower last weekend. We were able to catch up and it was just like old times. Here's a story for you: Susie and Deb walked in with Wente. Wente walked in first, greeted me and then Susie and Deb both came in and gave me big hugs. Wente said sorry I didn't hug you Amy but that's just not the first thing that pops into my mind. I told her it was fine, that I knew she felt a hug for me in her heart :). Some things never change!! We missed you at Jack's shower. Have you seen his pictures on Facebook? I try to update them each week or so. Everyone says how much he looks like Matt. He must because not one person has said that he looks like me!

  24. Robin~All Things Heart and HomeMay 16, 2009 at 1:54 AM

    Happy birthday to you and Susie!
    The tow of you could rule the world with those smiles...I love it when God does out the winning smiles :-D
    I love the blender gift by the way...
    love to you~

    Recent blog post: Yumalicious~Chocolate Chip Banana Pudding and a Giveaway!

  25. What a GREAT story, Gitz and DARLING pictures. Are ALL the people in your life so beautiful?! Sounds like a great time and a great friend. Happy Birthday to her, too. :)

    Recent blog post: Time for a Giveaway!

  26. Dakota(Wentes step daughter)May 16, 2009 at 7:54 PM

    I haven't been able to get on for a while. But I heard it was your birthday last week.HAPPY (late) BIRTHDAY!!! Well I am really inspired by what you always have to say, because no matter what you are always happy. And if i don't get something I complain. You inspire me. (And i like your dog too)=) :-D

  27. Hi, sweet friend. I remember getting that blender so well because Susie and I were FREAKING OUT and you and Wente were looking at as like, "Dude. Chill. It's just a blender." Seriously just makes me happy thinking about when we were all together.

    That's so funny about Wente; when she got here on her visit one of the first things I did without realizing it was put my fingers through her hair and tell her how cute I thought it was! She still doesn't like her hair touched either, but she was a good sport and let it slide :)

    I'm so bummed I couldn't be at the shower... and thought it was a different weekend, to be honest. I messed up the dates in my head and didn't know they had gone until they had already been there and back, or I would have sent my gift along! I'll have to get it in the mail to you; and that's good to know about Facebook... I'll go check the little guy out!

    Recent blog post: Flashback Friday: The Blender

  28. I was laughing at the photos and how INTENSE our lipstick was!!!! Oh, man... I have some hair and makeup doozy's in my photo piles!

    Recent blog post: Flashback Friday: The Blender

  29. Yep... when I'm in a room full of friends I am surrounded by truly beautiful people.

    Recent blog post: Flashback Friday: The Blender

  30. Thanks, Sweet Dakota!!! Wente told me when she was here visiting that you like the blog and the photos of Riley... I'm going to have to put some more photos up soon for you. :)

    Sometimes when things aren't working out for me I have the urge to complain, too... but then I remember that God put all sorts of great people and things in my life that are so much better than whatever I'm missing. I'm sure you have a lot of those great things in your life, too.

    Thanks for leaving the comment :) Wente said you're doing GREAT at softball... I'll be anxious to hear how your season is going!

    Recent blog post: Flashback Friday: The Blender

  31. Yep.� I'll bet it'll be back in vogue any day now. LOL
