
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Holiday Graces

It’s Cinco de Mayo!!!

Which really means nothing to me other than the fact that in college it meant we’d eat and drink more. Which, I guess, would sum up about every holiday wouldn’t it?

I’ve had a few of you ask what I do about holidays, since I’m here in the house by myself. Let’s just say I never seem to be lacking. Usually on Christmas my Mom, Dad and sister Janette will come on Christmas day, but I’m not able to go home for our big family gathering [Skype comes in very handy]. When I was at the point where I couldn’t travel but could still get out of the house I was always celebrating Easter and Thanksgiving with one of my friends’ families.

I have been so blessed that most of my friends’ extended families have adopted me as their own. Susie’s grandma makes me the same Christmas gifts that she makes all of her granddaughters… my friend Meg’s mom will make me homemade cinnamon rolls when she’s visiting… and my friend Kelly’s family may have actually started wondering if I was a long lost sister that someone just forgot to tell them about.

Remember that post I wrote about how to be church? I definitely continue to learn that lesson from the examples of others who have been church to me.

I’m ridiculously spoiled by their love and generosity, and that hasn’t changed now that I can’t leave the house. This Easter my friends Meg, Scott and their two kids were going to come here for Easter dinner, but because they caught colds that plan was nixed [my immune system can’t handle being exposed]. But I thought I’d show you in photos how ridiculously well-fed I was despite the fact that I didn’t go anywhere.

_MG_5757 My neighbor, Laura, [you’d know her as Lauratina from the comment section] showed up at my door on Holy Saturday evening with a plate of leftovers before they headed to church … totally unexpected, and delicious.

_MG_5844 Then, despite not being with them for Easter dinner, Meg popped over with this crazy good meal. Ironically, it’s probably exactly what I would have eaten at my Mom’s: ham balls and holiday potatoes! [Not to mention some decadent brownie concoction that had extra chocolate chips and peanut butter chips on top. Seriously.]

_MG_5850 Now, I forgot to take a photo of the plate of food Susie dropped off [I’m not kidding… I ate better than anyone who actually attended an Easter celebration] but I did remember to take a photo of the adorable basket of cookies she dropped off…

_MG_5860 … and I managed to snap a photo of the angel food cake with candy bar topping before I devoured it. That took some serious self-control on my part.

_MG_5870 It also took some serious control on Riley’s part. He’s definitely started paying more attention to George now that he realizes I put all plates of food on the seat to roll it into the other room. Poor dog just wanted his Easter treat, too.

And as soon as he can articulate the true meaning of Easter, I’ll be willing to share. :)


  1. i am so glad you are lavished with love the way you are. you reap what you sow, my fritz-friend.

    this cinco de mayo will be a little sad for me. i wish i could bring you a six-pack of coronas for us to share...

  2. Now I need to know how you eat all those goodies and not gain weight. You have some very cool friends, by the way.

  3. Robin ~ All Things Heart and HomeMay 5, 2009 at 6:21 AM

    I'm so happy about that food!You do have wonderful friends and family!
    I'm not fooled by the way, I think Riley probably got a little lick of that yumalicious cake!

    Recent blog post: Quick and Clean little Craft!

  4. love how all of your friends love on you! there are many of us that could take a few lessons.

    also, love your new header!!!

    Recent blog post: Overflow

  5. You are blessed to have so many people loving on you! I'm also glad you have that cute bundle of white fur to keep you company! Now how can you resist sharing with that adorable little face?! Happy Tuesday!

    Recent blog post: A Glimmer of Hope

  6. How wonderful! I'm glad you were blessed that way. And nothing is better than a taste of home and eating what your family is even if you can't be there.

    Recent blog post: Telling Kate

  7. Okay now I am hungry. How thoughtful! And yummy. It warms my heart to see how well you are loved by so many :) Happy Cinco de Mayo!

    Recent blog post: Sunday Sun-day

  8. This post has suceeded in making me hungry! :-D

  9. That is so wonderful that they have adopted you. Why aren't you able to go home for the holidays?

    Recent blog post: Not Me Monday

  10. that a meatloaf? It looks so filling! You might have to beg neighbor Laura for me to share her recipe! I love a stout meatloaf and hers looks to die for! Maybe with her recipe I could come close to something that looked like that on a plate afterwards???

    Recent blog post: Sigh....

  11. Looks delicious!! I am going to go read your post on being Church now -- that is something I have really been thinking about this week!

    Recent blog post: Four Sicilian Ladies Make Sauce!

  12. Sara, Riley needs a treat. Big Time. If I had a plate on George and was trying to wheel it anywhere, I think Dora would snatch it and run for the hills. No Joke. That pup needs to take after Riley on manners...or I need the dog whisperer. :-P

    Recent blog post: Strawberry Shortcake Pie

  13. omg, I made your blogspot, and by means of a plate of food?! (I'm so NOT a cook, everyone!) I'm humbled, and can see I'm going to have to work on my presentation...pretty it up a bit for future pics, that's for sure!!

    On a more serious note, that basket of Easter adorable! Mmmmmmmm, YUMMY!! Seriously! Love ya, Gitz!! ;)

  14. I am pretty darn spoiled. And I WISH I was spoiled enough to have you here with me... I'd totally provide the limes if you provided the Coronas...

    Love you!

    Recent blog post: Holiday Graces

  15. My friends are crazy cool.

    And trust me, I'm not as thin as I used to be... and it drives me just this side of insane.

    Recent blog post: Holiday Graces

  16. Of course the little stinker got to lick the plate... I'm such a sucker. O:-)

    Recent blog post: Holiday Graces

  17. Thanks about the header... just decided it needed to feel more "spring-like" around here. :)

    Recent blog post: Holiday Graces

  18. Oh, he got to lick the plate when I was done... I'm pretty much a pushover with him. The Dog Whisperer would not be proud of me!

    Recent blog post: Holiday Graces

  19. It really was ironic that Meg made what Mom always did... I'll refrain from comparing their cooking skills on the blog, though :)

    Recent blog post: Holiday Graces

  20. It kind of made me hungry putting that post up, too!!! Trust me, I only eat like that on holidays :)

    Recent blog post: Holiday Graces

  21. I know! Me, too. :)

    Recent blog post: Holiday Graces

  22. I can't travel because I'm homebound from my disease. Here's a post that will fill yo in:

    Recent blog post: Holiday Graces

  23. It is meatloaf... loved it! Laura claims not to be a good cook, but I thought it was awesome.

    Recent blog post: Holiday Graces

  24. It was delicious. :) I think there are so many ways for us to be church to each other... and I have certainly taken notes as everyone has been so very gracious to me.

    Recent blog post: Holiday Graces

  25. You know, he is so naughty in some areas and so good in others...

    But we've discovered he's very good about not touching MY plate, but he'll try to dive into my friends' plates. Such a little stinker!

    Recent blog post: Holiday Graces

  26. Are you kidding? Your lovely presentation is what made me think to take a photo :)

    Recent blog post: Holiday Graces

  27. If I lived closer, I'd bring you goodies every day!

    Recent blog post: The Bridal Shower

  28. Wow! You are making me hungry! How awesome that these friends are Jesus to you! Love that and love the sassy new color on the header and love you!

    Recent blog post: Happy Birthday Baby Girl!

  29. That's probably the safest choice! :)

    Recent blog post: Telling Kate

  30. Looking at all that food, you may need to reinforce George's wheels sometime soon. :)

    Where is Riley's sombrero?

    Recent blog post: My Childhood Home

  31. If you lived closer, I'd hold you to that! :-P

  32. Thanks, girlie. I think I like the brighter colors, too. Was just time for a change :)

  33. Are you saying George needs reinforced because of the plates, or because of all the weight I'll gain from eating so much?!?!?

    Think carefully before you answer... ;)

  34. Yes Gitz, I was talking about those heavy plates. Ya, it was definately the plates. :)

    Recent blog post: My Childhood Home

  35. Well, I hope you were able to get some mexican food in today. If I lived near you I totally would have brought over my fajitas. I am from Arizona, so I can cook pretty good mexican food.
    By the way wanted to say thank you for the canvas. And Tammy and I know each other. Our husbands work together, go to the same church and she has watch my twins. The funny thing is we talk more via blog then in person. How pathetic is that?

    Recent blog post: WHAT I REALLY NEED


    Recent blog post: Holiday Graces

  37. No mexican food, today... I was lacking in the cinco de mayo food! :) I'm glad the canvas made it to you ok, and love that you and Tam know each other in real life. Makes this blog world seem even smaller! Seeing each other in person would probably be better, but if the blog keeps you in touch, that's a good thing! :-D

    Recent blog post: Holiday Graces

  38. amazing! What a nice neighbor.

    Recent blog post: WW: Hellllllllooooo Third Trimester!
