
Monday, May 4, 2009

Young at Heart

Dad 3

That photo is a picture of my dad and me on his birthday when he turned… [are you ready for this?]32!

I’m currently 35.

I can’t tell you how much that freaks me out to think I’m older right now than he was while holding me, his youngest of six, in that photo.

Yesterday, dad turned 65. As the clock struck midnight and he turned another year older, he finally caught up to me in a few areas. Like the fact that now we’re both eligible for Medicare. And the fact that I won’t be the only one getting promotional materials for AARP. [Seriously, AARP should check the Medicare database to see if people are actually old before they send out marketing materials…]

Dad 1

And, like me, Dad will always be young at heart. The above photo where he’s carrying me around was, I believe, from a camping trip to Adventureland Park … and it is so my dad. He used to go for a run with his cowboy boots on and his tool pouch on his hip. We eventually coaxed him into wearing tennis shoes and he never turned back, but I love the fact that he was out there hanging out with us kids. He was, and still is, a big kid deep down.

Dad, you may be getting a few years older, but you’re still the exact same dad to me that’s in these photos. The dad who loves and plays and is ornery and kind. The one who cares about his family and who worked tirelessly for all of us. I love you to pieces, Mino, and hope you had a wonderful day!


  1. Christina J. WerdebaughMay 4, 2009 at 12:23 AM

    I had to laugh reading that you receive AARP materials too! I often wonder why they don't check things out better before they ship materials out in mass mailings to medicare peeps. Glad I'm not alone! (33 and on medicare and receiving AARP . . . I get a kick out of having a Silver Sneakers membership at the gym, too! Wish I was able to make it there. It used to be great fun!)

  2. These places waste postage on mailings to people who don't need them and then complain about their postage costs. ARRgh.

    Nothing compares to a wonderful dad.

    Recent blog post: Our deepest fear...

  3. Why is it that pictures of parents when they were younger than us look so much older than we do at the same age.

    It can't only be the fashion & photography evolution. It can't be. I have to keep telling myself that. :-E

    Recent blog post: Worship…and some other stuff : 3 May 2009

  4. I love, love, love the picture of your dad with boots on. Such a cool daddy you have. Thanks for sharing.

  5. what a great tribute! he sounds like a wonderful man (even if he did wear cowboy boots with shorts, yikes!)

    hope he had a wonderful day. and i hope you are doing well too sara!

    Recent blog post: Overflow

  6. Mary Grace McNamaraMay 4, 2009 at 7:42 AM

    My husband and I have been receiving AARP 'junk mail' for 25 years! And we're only in our mid 40s! We always just laughed about it and figured they'd stop sending it just about the time we became eligible for it!

    You have one cool dad...LOVE the cowboy boots! I love seeing old pictures of my dad playing with us as kids. What treasured memories!


    Recent blog post: Apple Tote Bag is Complete!

  7. Happy Birthday, Mr. Gitz! You must be an amazing man, because you've raised an amazing little girl who loves her daddy : )

  8. Happy Birthday to your dad. May he have many many more!

    Recent blog post:

  9. That is a very sweet post. Happy birthday to your Daddy! The pictures are wonderful.

    Recent blog post: Ha, a night early!

  10. Happy Birthday to your Dad! 65 years, sounds younger and younger to me all the time. I love both of those photos of the two of you. There is nothing sweeter than Daddy daughter mutual adoration, which I am sure is the case.

    Recent blog post: Sunday Sun-day

  11. Precious! Hey, I picked you as a friend on FB. :)

    Recent blog post: Happy Birthday Baby Girl!

  12. I get AARP magazines :( and I'm only 56! I think now old age starts at 50! Funny, I don't feel old.

    Love the shorts and cowboy boots! I have two brothers that wear cowboy boots all the time!

    Happy Birthday to your dad!

    Recent blog post: Show us where you live.....

  13. When I was growing up, we had a neighbor who always wore his cowboy boots and shorts while mowing the lawn. It must have been a '70's thing. Although, my younger son used to wear the same ensemble when he was in preschool!

    I agree with David above -- why did our parents look so much older in their 20's & 30's than we ever did?!

    Nice tribute to your dad!

    Recent blog post: A Glimmer of Hope

  14. Isn't that crazy? I always want to write back and say that I may walk with a walker, but it doesn't mean I'm 80!!! :-P

  15. Never thought of that, but yes... they could definitely be saving on a paper and stamp in my case. :-$

  16. Oh, David... I know EXACTLY what you're saying. When I flipped that photo over and saw it was of his 32nd birthday I couldn't believe it. I just can't be as old as he was already!!!

  17. Isn't that a hoot? I love that photo.

  18. I wasn't kidding about him running in them either. I can't imagine him wearing them now.

  19. I remember when we were at a restaurant and they asked Dad if he wanted the senior citizen discount [it started at 50] when he was around 55... he told them 'no thanks.' I figure saving money will be one of the benefits of getting older!

  20. From your lips to God's ears!

  21. Yes, he called today wondering about that shorts and boots photo :) Good thing he loves me!!

  22. Saw that... I friended you back :)

  23. My grandpa used to bring boots and belts with their names on the back to my brothers... I always wished I was a boy so I could get those cowboy gifts, too!

  24. I love that you let your son wear it, despite the obvious fashion statement :)

  25. Thanks... it's always fun digging through old photos!

  26. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new header!

    Happy bday to your dad today! And a happy bday to you (a week early). Didn't know your birthdays were so close together.

  27. Hi, sweetie :) I JUST put up that header a few minutes ago! The woman who made my other font had asked if I had any other writing styles back when I did the original one, so I did my normal handwriting for her. I just heard from her yesterday and she sent me the new font, so I used it to write Gitzen Girl in the header. I'll send it to you if you want it.

    Hey... could you also email me your address and phone number? I lost some contacts when my computer died and I don't have the info anymore. Thanks, girl! :*

    Recent blog post: Young at Heart

  28. Me too! The header rocks!

    Recent blog post: Sunday Sun-day

  29. Thanks, dear! I just commented back to Heidi that it's another font of mine that was made, so I wanted to try it out. :)

  30. Wow your dad is hip! My dad never wore shorts and only owned black shoes. Never flip flops never boots. What sweet memories.

    Recent blog post: Four Wheelin' And Free

  31. Love the boots, but love the Daddy-love even more. Just a number, and AARP gives some great discounts! I joined as soon as I was able, just for cheaper hotel rooms! Happy Birthday to your Dad!

    Recent blog post: But does he have a name??

  32. i am LOVIN your dad's getup!

    Recent blog post: loneliness
