
Monday, May 18, 2009


I couldn’t think of another word to title this post, because I’m about to talk about cancer. And quite frankly, it’s just an insidious disease that has crept in far too often on far too many people I love.

I got a call this past week from one of my dearest friends, Jenny, who told me her father-in-law Pat had just been diagnosed with a late stage, inoperable lung cancer. And hearing the pain in her voice, and knowing all he’s about to go through, simply breaks my heart.

Jenny and her husband Kris have welcomed me into their families, and their parents have been so kind to me as well. When my car would break down I’d take it to Pat’s repair shop and he’d handle it just like he was my dad … only a little better since he actually knew how to fix it. :) They have welcomed me like family at birthday parties and celebrations, days at their camper on the river and rides in their boat. They are good, kind people.

So this is where we have to start replacing the word insidious with better ones. Ones like hope, and family, and faith and prayer. Words like love and friendship and support and compassion. Because as Jenny and I kept talking, we knew that as they face cancer they are also going to be reinforcing all they are teaching their kids about the importance of family and the power of prayer.

One of the first things Jenny asked me is if I would ask all of you to pray for Pat. She knows you all have become like another family to me and that more people praying has never been a bad thing. So if you would do me a favor and take a moment to say a prayer for Pat today… pray for healing and strength and peace and fortitude as he walks this journey… I would be very grateful. I’ll be praying for all of you and your families as well.


  1. Done friend. Done. :'(

    Recent blog post: Sorry….

  2. House on RancheroMay 18, 2009 at 5:40 AM

    Our family will pray for this special family. I will pass this prayer on to my extended family, as well. We know cancer all too well in my family, BUT we know the power of PRAYER better!

  3. Sara, I will definitely add Pat, your friends Jenny and Kris, and their families to my prayers. As a cancer survivor, I know first hand the road ahead of them. It is a tough journey but one with hope in Jesus. Blessings, SusanD

    Recent blog post: Thankful Thursday - 5/14/09

  4. Cancer stinks. I believe there will be a cure for it someday, hopefully within my lifetime. But it truly stinks that people have to struggle with it in this day and age. I can certainly spare a prayer or two for Pat!

    Recent blog post: Window Shades

  5. Praying for Pat in Canada!

    Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday

  6. P.S.: There's a product called "Flor-Essence" that is supposed to be great for boosting the immune system and sort of clearing the body of bad stuff. It's OTC in the form of a tea that you drink. Apparently it's especially great for cancer patients to use while they are going through treatment. Jenny may want to look into it and pass the info. along to her dad if she thinks it's something he might benefit from.

    Recent blog post: Window Shades

  7. I'll be praying very hard for Pat, Jenny, Kris and the entire family. May the Lord lift them ALL up and give them strength as they go through this.

    Recent blog post: The Impact of a "Thank You"

  8. Praying for Pat and all those who surround him! Insidious is right, and I also pray that someday cancer might conjure up an image of cure and hope.

    Recent blog post: Love...

  9. Insidious is the perfect word. Can you believe that at the end of our bedtime prayers, my children and I are praying for 5 little girls that are battling cancer? 5!
    None that we know all that well, but one from our former playgroup, one is the daughter of an old schoolmate of mine, one is the daughter of my husband's co-worker, one is the niece of my college roommate, one is the niece of a friend. 5!
    Insidious is the perfect word.

    I'll be sure to add Pat and his family to our prayers.

  10. Praying for Pat and his family right now!!

    Recent blog post: all Jesus, all cd long

  11. i'm so sorry

    Recent blog post: squander

  12. Lifting this family in prayer today. Pray you and the family will feel all of these prayers and find some peace and comfort.

  13. I'm honored to be asked to pray for Pat, and am praying for him now as well as all those who surround him in love and the professionals who are treating him!

  14. Will do. It has touched my dad's side of the family many, many times.

    Recent blog post: Maui 2008 Revisited Day 12 - Ocean Center

  15. I have been praying for Pat, Mary, Jenni and Kris... and will continue to do so. Life is so hard. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to help. Love and prayers to all...

  16. I'll add him to my prayer journal!

    Recent blog post: Live Deeply in Christ

  17. I will pray for Pat and his family. Prayers of peace, strength and hope. Cancer is ugly...our Savior is beauty. I believe in the power of prayer and miracles.


    Recent blog post: Stand Tall

  18. Oh I will and going forward. Please keep us posted. I'm so sorry that any family has to make this journey and I know prayers sometimes hold you up when you need it most. You're a good friend to her and we'll be good friends too. love to all of and prayers.

    Recent blog post: Decorating for our Graduation Open House

  19. It's certainly touched far too many people I've known. Just got off the phone with a dear friend who has one more round of chemo for breast cancer. So sorry they are facing this and of course, would be privileged to pray.

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  20. It is a FIL died a year ago with lung cancer. The wonderful blessing in that time was that he had no pain. We prayed and many, many people prayed and we recieved mercy. We had a wonderful time with him after his diagnoses. We took three trips with FIL and MIL and even the times we really had to help him, it was a gift. He was a gift to me as my daddy died 6 months after Russell and I married. His dad was my dad. I was honored to care for him.

    I'll be praying for Pat and for the whole family! And may God be glorified through this!

  21. Mary @ Giving Up On PerfectMay 19, 2009 at 2:11 PM

    So sorry for your friend's pain and sadness. I pray that Pat will be healed completely. I pray that no matter God's will for him and his family, they will all seek God throughout this time. And I pray God will comfort all who love Pat and are hit by this blow.

    Recent blog post: Well, I guess I could just go to bed...
