
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Blog Peep Questions: Round 6

Here’s how my blogging process has gone:

I lay on the couch thinking about blogging and decide, “I should do a Blog Peep Questions post. That wouldn’t be too hard.”

And then I sit up, look through some questions and try to figure out which ones to answer, get tired at the thought of it and lay back down.

The next day I repeat the process.

Today I said to myself, “Self, [yep, that’s what I called myself] you don’t have to answer a million questions in one post. Maybe just give them a question here and there to check in.”

WHAT A NOVEL IDEA!!!! I’m blaming the meds for it taking so long to realize that was a valid solution. Or maybe I really am just that slow… :) Yeah, let’s blame the meds. Cool? Thanks.

blog peeps logo

We’ll start today with something simple:

If you could eliminate one candy bar from the world, what would you destroy?

Easiest question ever: Almond Joy candy bars could not be more disgusting. First… I can’t stand coconut. Add an almond to it and you’ve put me over the top. Not to mention they use dark chocolate and I prefer milk chocolate… so there’s not one single thing about the Almond Joy candy bar I enjoy.

And people, I’m on steroids. There is not a food out there that doesn’t sound good to me.

Now, despite the fact that no one asked me, I will tell you that I think the Whatchamacallit is the most under-rated candy bar out there. While it’s not my absolute favorite or anything, I don’t think it gets near enough exposure:

whatchamacallit (1)

You get chocolate, caramel and a nice crispy, crunchy texture. Trust me. Try one today. Twizzlers aren’t the only thing that makes mouths happy. :)

[Oh, and feel free to leave more questions in the comment section]


  1. If you could meet anyone in the world, who would it be?

    Recent undefined:=- Oh no! Comluv had an error with your feed, see message below!

  2. Absolutely agree with you about both candy bars. Although the dark chocolate is not evil.

    Recent undefined:=- Oh no! Comluv had an error with your feed, see message below!

  3. Hey friend - good to see you back, even if briefly. My question - what did you want to be growing up?
    ~Cynthia in MT

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  4. MMMM....milk chocolate GOOD. Dark chocolate BAD.
    Although I've never had an almond joy ( I DO like almonds though!!) I feel the same way about Eatmore. Ummm...YUCK!!
    What's your favourite movie??

  5. Laura Swan JinkinsJuly 23, 2009 at 9:32 PM

    Oh, Sara ... we must agree to disagree! It's kind of weird, because I don't buy Almond Joy's very often, but I do love them ... love almonds, love dark chocolate, and love, love, love coconut. My favorite pie is coconut (like my Nanny used to make when I was a little girl), my favorite cake is German Chocolate (coconut in the icing) ...

    I won't hold it against you that you're dissing one of my favorite candies! LOL

  6. So glad to see you here sweetie! So how is it you dislike a candy bar so much and yet know it in such fine detail? I don't really know if I've ever had an Almond Joy *DONT_KNOW*

    Question... Which do you like best... Waltons or Little House on the Prairie? Gilligans Island or Green Acres? Brady Bunch or Partridge Family?

    Yay for you for deciding to answer one question instead of millions... One turns out to be just perfect!

  7. I love a mound bar! Sorry...
    Were you always so artistic?

    Recent blog:=- On to the baby shower for two!

  8. You have excellent taste in candy bars!

  9. I think coconut is one of those foods you either love or hate. Having a "sweet" tooth, not good for a diabetic, I love fresh coconut milk. Almonds on the other hand are one of the few nuts I don't like.

    Do you think Riley can sense how sick you feel. Does he act differently depending on how sick you are?

    Recent blog:=- Thoughts on Tradition and Bible Study – The Eucharist

  10. Yes! I can barely find the Whatchamacalit bar. Remember the Marathon bar? caramel twisted with 'chocolate' coating? that was my favorite.

    So - here's a question. What childhood food (existing or not anymore) do you still crave a lot?

  11. I agree with you...Almond Joy has to go. Never did like those at all.

    If you had one do anything you liked, and knew you would not feel bad or sick after wards, what would you chose to do?

    I only ask that because I thought very much about the answer to that not too long ago, and surprised myself with the answer...was not what I would have expected at all. ;)

    Recent blog:=- Beginner Quilting Class: Quilting Is Much Like Sports!!

  12. I remember living in the dorms and making a serious dent in the Whatchamacallit population in the vending machine. Mmmm.

    Aside from dogs (best pets ever!), what kind of critter would you most like to have as a pet? (In a world sans allergies and assuming Riley wouldn't eat/attack it.)

    Recent undefined:=-

  13. Glad to see you! You were cruel talking about candy bars in front of a pregnant woman (j/k). ;) I've been wanting one, but resisting... How can I sneak one without my children knowing?

    Hoping that you're feeling stronger every day.

    Recent blog:=- I'm alone!

  14. Agreed on Almond Joy! Nasty!
    Agreed on Whatchamacallit! Delish!

    You take your life and limitations in such stride, but is there one day or event that you've had to miss out on that you wish you could have back?

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  15. I'm voting for "Three Muskateers!" Down with coconut on candy bars ... and is there anything better than milk chocolate? Yum!

    Still praying!

  16. TOTALLY blaming the meds for the slow solution process. Should I also credit them for the hilarity of this post, or is that all Sarah?

    Recent blog:=- I'm Going to Mess Up!

  17. You did NOT just say that! Last night, at the dinner table, Bo announced that Almond Joy's were completely gross because she does not like coconut and when you add almonds it completes the horridness. Now, let me tell you, I could eat my weight in Almond Joys. We know this is a significant statement. Hold on, I think I DID eat my weight in Almond Joys!

    Recent blog:=- Hail, Caesar! Stop The Chariot!

  18. I agree with your post. Almond Joys are gross...yuck...coconut...dark chocolate...yuck! I love Whatchamacallit candy bars. My husband didn't think they existed, so I had him try one about a year ago...yummy goodness!

    Recent blog:=- Harry Potter

  19. I totally agree, Almond Joys are disgusting. Coconut?? YUCK!

  20. That must be a Canadian candy bar... I learn so darn much from your references after I look up what you're talking about :)

  21. actually, it makes us more compatible friends... it means we wouldn't fight over candy :)

  22. funny you should ask about knowing that candy bar so well... in fourth grade that is the candy bar that a kid brought for a birthday treat and Sr. Magdalene made me eat it because she said it was rude not to. *gag* =-X

  23. I don't, but it sounds like something I would LOVE. I love that 10,000 bar, too... caramel and chocolate are just made for each other...

  24. oh, honey... pregnant women should get to eat whatever they want at any time! Have your husband bring home a stash that you hide in your bedroom for a midnight snack :*

  25. i think we'll credit a little bit of both... i get a little punchy when i don't feel well :)

  26. i always knew that Bo was a smart one...

  27. it is a candy bar that is better when it's "fresh" though... if you get an old one that's sat there for awhile they can get kinda icky.

  28. I agree! Down with Almond Joy!! Except that my dad really likes them, and I wouldn't want to steal his joy. Har har har. Steal his "joy."

    Hope you're feeling better, friend!!

    Recent blog:=- Oh yes, she bakes

  29. i'm with you on the almond joy. nast.

  30. Laura Swan JinkinsJuly 25, 2009 at 9:06 PM

    I am so amused at how PASSIONATE people are about their candy bars! LOL You are right, we wouldn't fight over the candy. ;)

    Another of my favs is a bar made by Lindt ... it is dark chocolate with red chili pepper. Sounds weird, I know. But the chili pepper is very light - you just feel a little "heat" toward the end. Mmm-good! I found them at Target one time, and now I pick them up for my husband and myself to share sometimes, on movie nights.

    Read your post about the medication changes coming up - am keeping you in my prayers, hon.

  31. Almond Joys are heavenly to me, I just never think to eat them. Which is probably a good thing. The last thing I need is to purposefully ingest extra calories. I get more than enough of those while *trying* to avoid them! Once upon a time I found a bag of mini Almond Joys in KEY LIME flavor. Wow.
