
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Junk Yard Boys

We lived on an acreage in the country when I was growing up … it was on a blacktop road about six miles out of town. I’ve come to realize, watching my friends’ kids grow up in neighborhoods, how different their experiences are than mine was. When I hear of them running to so-and-so’s house, playing in different backyards, not being sure where they are but yet sure they’re ok… I realize I would be an extremely over-protective mother because I never had that experience.

I always knew where my mom was, she always knew where I was and I only played with my siblings. Well, I tried to play with my siblings. They tried to set me in front of the sprayer on the sink, convince me it was hooked up to a speaker they could hear me through, and then rode off into the sunset without me.

But I digress.

The point is, we didn’t have neighbors to have play dates. Except for the junk yard boys.

About a quarter mile down the road from our farm, there was a junk yard that looked just as your mind would imagine it from a movie. Rusted out cars, half-beaten down fences, overgrown grass and mean old barking dogs that were always kept just a little too far out on their chains. When we’d ride bikes past the opening to the junk yard I’d peddle as fast as I could as my brothers exclaimed those dogs were going to pull off their chains at any minute. Immediately beyond the dogs was a bridge that my brothers tried to convince me wasn’t very stable and could collapse at any moment. Again, prompting me to peddle as fast as my legs could take me.

I’m thinking my brothers should have thought ahead to the fact that I’ve always loved writing, because I now have a forum to out them on all their shenanigans…

Needless to say, the junk yard could get my imagination going. It didn’t help that the family who lived in a trailer at the junk yard housed two boys who were as rough as the dogs they owned. They didn’t go to our school, but they rode our bus, and in first grade one of them punched me in the stomach because I wouldn’t give him my gum. Pretty obvious why there were no play dates with our one set of neighbors.

Growing up, when anyone would ever utter the phrase, “What are we going to do with you?” my dad’s favorite quip was, “We’re going to throw her in the junk yard!” He always had silly little phrases you could count on as replies, and they have stuck with all of us through the years. I eventually thought it was a funny phrase, but I’m not going to lie… I always had a twinge of nervousness when I was little at the thought of being thrown in that junk yard. Probably helped keep me on the straight and narrow a little bit. :)

I can’t tell you how many times I have stopped myself from uttering the reply, “Just throw me in the junk yard,” in the past week or so, because I’ve heard, “What are we going to do with you?” in many a conversation. I think I’m a pretty uncomplicated person, but apparently that’s to offset the fact that I have a body with a penchant for attracting medical complications.

Feeling worse instead of better wasn’t the direction I was hoping for, but it turns out I’ve developed what is called Cushing’s Syndrome as a complication of the steroids. There’s a whole lot of symptoms and side effects that I won’t bore you with now. We’ll just say I’m feeling quite weak and tired and have been missing from here for more days than I meant to be because of it. I’ll be messing with medication changes and other such fun stuff, but just wanted to let you know I’m still here and kicking. And Riley is still here and being ornery, too, so all is right with the world in that respect.


So if it takes a few extra days for you to hear from me, just know that odds are someone has finally made good on the threat to throw me in the junk yard.

You can come looking for me there. ;)


  1. Praying for always.

  2. Oh, Dear Heart...We will step up storming heaven for you and praying that the medication changes will provide benefit for your body and your soul and your mind. We love you so.

  3. Times have changed whether you live in the country or the city. The carefree lifestyle of my childhood is not the lifestyle my children are growing up in. Although my parents do live in the country now and my kids LOVE to go there and run and play with abandon.

    You should write a whole series on the things your loving siblings did to you growing up. I've loved reading what you share occasionally, but really...they were very inventive. You have to hand them that!

    Recent undefined:=- Oh no! Comluv had an error with your feed, see message below!

  4. I had to Wikipedia Cushing’s Syndrome to know what it was, sounds MOST unpleasant! I hope that changing your meds will be able to reduce it. You are in my prayers as always.

    (And don't go to the junkyard! :D)

  5. Honey! This is so weird. I have had 2 friends diagnosed with Cushings over the past 4 months and now you. My goodness, something is in the air. They have both been treated and doing great. I pray for you always and hope you feel better soon! Hugs and kisses to you and little Riley!

  6. Awww, can't you just see Riley as a Junk Yard Dog! Surely you must have a gnarly biker outfit for him to wear for the occasion!!

    Sending our love your way :* Nolan was trying to figure out all kinds of ways to get you outside, I didn't try to dissuade him and his creativity, as I love him wanting to do something for someone else. Just know we are ALL thinking of you 8-)

    Love ya girl! Thanks for the update!

    Recent blog:=- Wishes Come True.

  7. Can I just tell you I think you're quite amazing!

    Recent blog:=- Blogroll & Roll Call

  8. Sar,

    The answer, for $200, is "Just love me I guess!"

    To tickle your bones, I want you to know that I am one of "those mothers", just the kind you'd be... I was referred to this way a few months ago when I wouldn't drop my eldest babe at a skating rink unsupervised. I took great pride in the statement, as I am the mom who lives in the neighborhood but has a farm behind us (heaven!!!). We kind of get the best of both worlds. My kids always have to be "in my eyes" or at least within ears, and really play mostly with each other. I don't think it is a bad thing, as I know what they are exposed to...each other :). I think your mother is a brilliant woman. And your dad? He's a hoot. My dad, when told how well behaved my brother and I were in public, told people "Yes, these are my rental children." I relate to the fears that come with the teasing :).

    I want you to know that we are praying for you, and that if you go missing for too long, I am going to get on a plane and come find you in the junkyard. Remember, sweet one, that when asked "What are we going to do with you?", you are supposed to reply "Just love me I guess!" That's always been my personal response to the question, and the one I've passed to my girls. It would be my pleasure to share with you, sweet moon pie.


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  9. I think Riley will put the bite on any junk yard dogs that come your way.

    Hope you find the right med combo soon. If they are going to experiment on you, you should at least get paid for it.

    Recent blog:=- Finger Painting

  10. I just wanted to say that I'm praying for you and that you are an amazing and inspiring woman!

    Recent blog:=- Just one more reason why I love my husband

  11. Junk Yard Boys--what a great title. Could be a book title. Love your memory for detail. You're an amaaaaazing writer.

    Praying for you my friend.

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  12. Praying for you daily and specifically and NO JUNK YARD for you sweet!

    Recent blog:=- FOUR Chicks and A Magnet ...

  13. I'll continue to pray and specifically that the treatments will have a strong positive effect over all the symptoms.

    I'm so impressed with your ability to keep us informed without whining (as would be so easy to do). You are a great example and as for what am I going to do with you? That's easy...I'm going to keep reading your blog and praying for you!

    Recent blog:=- Golden Opportunity

  14. Man, I grew up in a neighborhood where us kids were all outside playing from sun up until sun down, up and down the block. Now that I'm a mom, and a mom to a 6 year old at that, I'm learning how it feels to have a daughter that tells you she's going out to play. I haven't yet learned to just let her go, and don't think I ever really will.
    I also had to look up Cushing's Syndrome, and it certainly doesn't sound like fun ... I hope that your new meds and dosages will straighten the whole mess out really soon, without any further side effects. Until then, just remember you're a keeper ... no junk yard for you!
    Take care of you!

  15. Cynthia Lott VogelJuly 20, 2009 at 1:21 PM

    Oh Sara!
    I may not know all of what you're going through but I can definitely relate to Cushing's Syndrome! After my asthma gets bad enough to warrant IV steroids for several weeks, I have had to struggle with that numerous times...Once I had the associated steroid myopathy (muscle destruction) so badly that I had to go to rehab for several months and was in a wheelchair for two years....But I maybe shouldn't have told you that...Not trying to scare you. I am walking now but every time I have to go back on those horrible lifesaving drugs, I go through the same struggle to regain strength...Never mind suffering with that swollen face and stomach!
    I am praying for you intensely, my friend. Do not give up the are loved by many.
    I pray that, instead of the junkyard, you will find yourself in a beautiful spot in the center of God's love and care for you. These places exist on this side of heaven too, you know!

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  16. Don't you wonder where the junk yard boys are now? I'm praying for you, as so many others are!

    Recent blog:=- Expensive mistakes!

  17. That must have been Jerry and Jim, because I don't have ANY recollection of giving you ANY grief of ANY type like that growing up . . .

  18. Robin~All Things Heart and HomeJuly 21, 2009 at 5:02 PM

    Oh Sweetie I'm sorry. I'm praying for you but that sounds empty. I'm a little off radar and treading water but pls know I'm thinking of you, praying ...and sending love to you and that little pup.

    Recent blog:=- Peanut Butter~Heath Bar Plaza Park Squares

  19. Hey gorgeous friend! Seriously! Check that enormously beautiful soul out -- ain't nothin' sweeter than a lovely, old soul with heart, selflessness, forgiveness and charity on her mind!!!! <Sorry, can you tell I'm from Montana?> :) Sending you prayers to feel better and for a coupla smiles!
    ~Cynthia in MT (technically, I'm from Silicon Valley, so if I sound a little whacked, it's just cuz my gun rack won't fit in my Prius yet! :)

    Recent undefined:=- Oh no! Comluv had an error with your feed, see message below!

  20. No way, Jose. We need you out here whenever you can come. I've been a little absent myself but always need my Gitz Fix. I know a little about Cushings and am so sorry you are now adding that. Prayers for you and praise for your endurance, sweet friend.

    Recent blog:=- I’ve Been Fired (and other news)….

  21. Awwww. I hope you get better soon.

  22. love to you and Len as well... thanks for the prayers. I always feel them. :)

  23. they were actually pretty darn good to me, too, but there was never a lack of imagination...

  24. it is unpleasant, but i'm doing my best to avoid the junk yard, i promise :)

  25. that is weird... were theirs because of steroids, too?

  26. i'm thinking not even riley's big bark or bite could have taken on those dogs... outfit or not =-O

  27. that's awfully kind... i don't know if i'm all that amazing, but i'm trying to keep stepping forward.

  28. "these are my rental children..." is so something my dad would have said! and your girls are lucky to have you within earshot... you're a good mama.

    [hey... i got your email that you resent and emailed you back, just wanted to make sure you got it.]

  29. well, considering my body is stumping them and forcing the experiment, i'm afraid it will be me paying them... but i like your idea better. ;)

  30. thanks, crystal... i appreciate the prayers.

  31. that is a HIGH compliment from Ms. Guidepost herself :) thanks.

  32. thanks... i'm praying for the same :)

  33. yep, it's totally different when it's your kid, isn't it? i think i would always err on the side of caution, too.

    thanks for the prayers. the side effects are kicking my butt right now, but hopefully they'll die down soon and be worth it.

  34. I've gone to NH for the next few days.
    Please continue to email and I will reply when I return.
    I am really roughing it! No internet access except for the Wolfeboro Library! So rustic!
    But, at the cottage there will be microwave, DVD and more cable than I have in Swansea. So my saying 'roughing it' may not be the best use of the term!

  35. i can't imagine, once this dies down, doing this again with steroids. such a conundrum.

  36. i actually wondered that as i was writing it!

  37. well, i know it was jim and his side kick... and i think we both know that wasn't Jerry :-P

  38. keep treading, woman...

  39. oh my gosh, that was a funny comment...

  40. thanks, miss robynn... i promise i'll avoid the junk yard at all costs...

  41. i did, sweet, sweet stuff.� i am behind this week...doesn't mean i am not thinking about you almost every minute :)� My dad always said he left his real children at home, and we were the "rental children" that behaved in public.� I think our dad's would get along smashingly.

  42. It's good to see you posting today, Sara. Hope you and the white knight are hangin' in there!

  43. :) no rush... you're talking to the queen of being behind right now. i've had trouble with email the past few weeks [winding up as phishing] so just wanted to be sure it worked.

  44. Robin~All Things Heart and HomeJuly 23, 2009 at 3:55 AM

    Dropping by at this ungodly hour to say :
    I hope your sleeping peacefully and I'm praying for you...hugs and give Riley a treat from me.

    Recent blog:=- Aging Gracefully~ Seventy-Something ~ Part 2

  45. oh friend. i'm so sorry. the blows just keep coming. i'm holding your hand... from here.
