
Thursday, March 17, 2011

YOU:create … Gitz Bits :)

Because I apparently have the stamina of a tree sloth {do sloths actually live in trees? or did I just make that up?}, I am getting "creative" {otherwise known as "cheating"} by creating a Gitz Bits for the week and letting it qualify as my YOU:create project.


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Monday, March 7, 2011


This is my friend Mary's daughter, Annalyn. And yes, that is my head on a stick. :)

When they came to visit me last year, Annalyn and I became fast buddies. And since I can't get out and about, they have decided to take me with them in a "Flat Stanley" sense and take pictures of some of the places they go.

This is one of the pictures I received of them as "we" went out for dinner. It totally cracks me up to see Annalyn proudly carrying me around with her … she's such a little ham!

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Just when the birds had me convinced that spring had sprung... welcome to Iowa.

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Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Can you say comfort food?

So, I wasn't really planning on mentioning my weekly Operation Sara packages because I was afraid that you'd all think I wanted you to send me stuff {not my intention at all}. But then I did last Friday's 5 minute post and that's what came to my mind in those five minutes so that's what I wrote about.

But I'm glad the cat is out of the bag because getting a package in the mail is by far my most exciting moment each week, and I can't help but show some of it to you in Gitz Bits!

These BBQ chips came in one of those packages and - OH MY WORD – I had not had chips in forever. It was an insane sort of fun treat. I wish I could tell you the whole bag isn't gone, but let's be real.

Those chips are history. :)

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Thursday, March 10, 2011


I try to open and shut my door as quickly as possible to not let any of the unpurified air in, which means I looked ridiculous taking this photo.

Every Thursday I leave my garbage from the week outside my hall door, and Linda takes it out for me. In its place, she leaves my grocery order for the week. I've termed it "Garbage for Groceries" and I definitely get the better end of the deal.

I'm thinking my neighbors would have thought I was crazy if they had seen me put the garbage there and shut my door quickly, then get the camera ready to go, opening and shutting the door as fast as possible while also snapping a photo for the blog.

At some point in there it occurred to me that I have a ridiculous life. :)

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Friday, March 11, 2011


This is my favorite photo of the week. I don't know if you noticed, but the sky is blue and there is no snow on the roof.

In case you're wondering, those two facts makes this spring-craving girl very, very happy.

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Saturday, March 12, 2011


These two girls also made me very, very happy.

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Sunday, March 13, 2011


They also made me a birthday cake on Sunday, since it was exactly two months until my birthday. {We make any excuse for a party.} Miss Anna asked my favorite colors and I told her I liked green and orange, so those are the colors that went into making the cake, and Miss Sophia then did all of the sprinkle/red hot decorating.

Once it was all said and done we decided to call it the "Oscar the Grouch" cake due to the obvious resemblance. :)

I'm not naming names {yes, I am}, but someone {namely, me} may or may not have eaten this for breakfast Sunday, Monday and Tuesday mornings {oh, yes I did}.

And despite the name of the cake, it did not make me grouchy.

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I can’t wait to see what you guys came up with this week! Just click below and follow the instructions to link to your project. When it asks you to choose the web or a file for your thumbnail, choose web. Then it will take you to a list of the images on the page you are linking to and you’ll be able to choose a photo to represent your project.

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