
Monday, November 5, 2012

Celebrate Them.

As we enter the month of November remembering all that we have to be thankful for, I want to share my heart with each of you.
"We came into this world with nothing. We will leave this world with nothing. What you give, lasts forever."
That was Pastor Vick's message on Sunday. All Saint's day Sunday. And as I listened and reflected on his message, my mind and heart went immediately to Dad and Sara.
I celebrate them, all they gave... and as Pastor Vick reminded me, all they continue to give, which will last forever!
They loved life and it loved them back...celebrate their passion.
They listened to their heart above all other voices...celebrate their wisdom.
They saw every ending as a new beginning...celebrate their resiliency.
They turned their can'ts into cans and their dreams into plans...celebrate their goals.
They had a way of turning obstacles into opportunities...celebrate their magic.
They went out on a limb, had it break off, and discovered they could fly...celebrate their faith.
They added so much beauty to being human...celebrate their presence.
They had a way of brightening the day...celebrate their radiance.
They made the whole world feel like home...celebrate their warmth.
They decided to enjoy more and endure less...celebrate their choices.
They decided to live the life they imagined...celebrate their freedom.
They colored their thoughts with only the brightest hues...celebrate their optimism.
They ran ahead where there were no paths...celebrate their bravery
They held their head high and looked the world straight in the eye...celebrate their strength.
They not only saw light at the end of the tunnel, they became light for others...celebrate their compassion.
They designed a life they loved...celebrate their JOY.
They made the world a better place...celebrate them.

They must have been something special. They were. Celebrate them.
~Adapted from the book She by Kobi Yamada
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