
Friday, September 20, 2013

Following Christ. Finding Joy. Fulfilling Dreams.

My dear sister Sara...

On September 24th, it will be two years.

Two years since I have been able to call and talk to you.

Two years since I have been able to see you and give you a hug.

Two years...

I have been trying to figure out why I have been feeling more emotional lately...Why do I feel like something is just not right?

Then it hit me. I felt the same way last year at this time. We are coming up on the anniversary of your death. Your journey to meet our Heavenly Father. It is amazing how those events can affect us, automatically, without us even realizing it.

In James1:2-3, Jesus says, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance."

Even though you are no longer with us on earth, I continue to learn so much from your amazing life. What is means to truly choose joy... My prayers have always focused on living a life that is reflective of Him and the path He wants me to walk. And then, faced with the trial of losing you and dad...
Little did I know, I was barely touching the surface of my walk with Christ. Little did  I know what "pure joy" and "trials" truly meant.

One of the last things you said to me was that you want people to continue learning, you want people to continue reading the messages you have written...but, you said, they must know, "It's not about me, it's about Him." That's the message you wanted people to hear.

Hope... Romans 12:12 says, "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."

In your post from April 29, 2011, you wrote 5 minutes on "If I knew I could, I would..." In that post, you wrote, "If I knew I could, I would write the book everyone says they want." 

I have been joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer... I am working on getting that book published. I am working on getting your words... your words that have touched so many people, your words that came to you through Jesus...published. 

I am also trusting and finding joy in fulfilling a dream of continuing your discipleship through the development of a choose joy women's ministry. I am a bit nervous and overwhelmed... I am walking into unknown territory for me. But, I want to be intentional, I want to be patient, I want to be faithful in following the calling.

Being intentional...those words continue to run through my mind. If we are intentional about talking to Him, listening to Him and walking the path he has laid out for us, we will find joy and dreams will be fulfilled.

Thanks, Sara...for choosing to be intentional, for choosing joy, for choosing to witness to us. As you and dad are now so close to Jesus, please continue to guide me as I walk this journey...into unknown territory. :-)

All my love...your sis,

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