
Monday, October 19, 2015

Choose Joy Day 19 -- How Would You Define Joy?

Joy is a big part of life... no matter how you define it or what brings it to you. I'm sure there are as many things that instill joy in people as there are people to describe it.
Maybe for you it's the smile on your child's face in the early morning hours when you walk in the room to lift them from their crib. Maybe it's walking along the beach as the waves crash on the shore and seagulls make a choir in the distance. Maybe it's pulling into a gas station where the price is below $3/gallon.

To each their own.

But here's a question: have you stopped long enough to figure out what brings you joy, define what that joy feels like to you and realize that, like everything in life, it can be a choice?

I made a decision a long time ago that I was going to choose joy. I even painted a big rectangle on my wall and printed it in big letters so I wouldn't forget to make that choice every day. The major word in that rectangle isn't joy... it's CHOOSE. It's looking around me when life is difficult and trading every complaint I have for something beautiful in my life that far outweighs it. I know, you may be thinking I am looking at life through rose colored glasses, but living joyful beats being cynical any day of the week.

Read more about how to choose joy in Sara's book...Choose Joy: Finding Hope and Purpose When Life Hurts.
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