
Thursday, October 6, 2016

Day 6 Choose Surrender -- Find True Life

As Sara was losing more and more of her abilities, she realized that “being a servant meant all or nothing. A line was drawn in the sand and she had to choose fear, or she had to choose to completely trust Him.”

Matthew 16:25 tells us, “If you try to keep your life for yourself, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for me, you will find true life.”

I think as Christians, we truly desire to do what God wants us to do. In order to fulfill what God wants from us, we ask and rely on God to help us through. As Sara tells us in her book, Choose Joy: Finding Hope and Purpose When Life Hurts, “that would mean we are driving and God is giving us moral support.”

Sara challenges us to let God take the wheel. When we rely on God to help us through our life, we are living a life about ourselves, not about Him. And, this life is not about us. It’s about Him. It’s about surrendering our lives to the one who put us here. Our life only works when God is at the wheel driving.

Our choice is to go along for the ride and surrender our lives to the destinations He brings us to. To be open enough to know where along the journey he needs us to act. There are going to be times along the journey that we may not like where He is taking us, or the traveling companions He picks up along the way. But, when we stop and realize it’s not all about us, we will start to notice that the traveling companion needed someone to listen to them or provide them an encouraging word.

I encourage you to surrender your life to Him. It is there you will find true life.
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