
Friday, October 7, 2016

Day 7 Choose Surrender: Spiritual Beings

We are not human beings living out a spiritual existence. We are spiritual beings living out a human existence. I don’t know about you, but the difference in those two sentences changes my outlook on my journey to surrendering.

When we make this world about us, we begin to worry about our health, finances and other earthly possessions. Our focus becomes on our wants, needs and desires. Whether our life is going well or we are struggling with pain, we must ultimately remember who we are…a spirit born in the image of Christ…here to fulfill a purpose before we go back home. Think about that…doesn’t it completely change how you feel? 

For me, it makes surrendering seem natural and safe.

In the book, Choose Joy: Finding Hope and Purpose when LifeHurts, Sara reminds us that “we have a mission. We have a purpose. We are here to live the best life we can, with what we are given.” We are here to live out this human existence as a spiritual being.

We must choose through our free will to allow ourselves to be guided by the Holy Spirit. As a spirit born in the image of Christ, we can surrender by not separating ourselves from our creator. 

Stay connected with Him. He is the creator of Heaven and Earth. He is the Lord of all that is and all that will be. Our job is to choose to surrender to Him.
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