
Wednesday, February 4, 2009


They're here! They're here!

Those of you who have been reading for awhile know all about my good friend, Nicole. I've told you about her love for New Kids on the Block, our experiments-gone-wrong with walkie talkies, and more recently I spilled the beans that she was pregnant with twins.

And now, she is no longer pregnant with twins! Yea!!!

The world now has two more beautiful little girls gracing its presence... and I'm not sure it's physically or emotionally possible for me to be more excited than I am. As hard as I've tried, I think they've totally nixed the idea of letting me have one of the babies come live with me here, but I suppose it's understandable that they're kind of attached to both of them.

Anyway... I'm so excited about our new blessings (yes, I realize I have nothing to do with them being blessings, but I'm saying "our" anyway because I already love them enough to claim ownership) that I'm going to do a spontaneous giveaway to bless one of you!

Here's what you can win... this 9x7 canvas that expresses how I'm feeling today. That EVERYTHING is a miracle:


All you have to do is leave a comment before midnight and tell me about one thing that has made you happy this week. Then I'll use the handy-dandy and tell you the winner tomorrow!


  1. Welcome to the world baby girls!! You have a lovely Auntie Sara :)

    My friend told me today that her little boy woke up asking for me this morning. I haven't seen them in about 3 weeks, and today he woke up asking for "Mamie" and wanted to know when "Mamie can come pway". Made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!

    I claim ownership to most of my friends' kids, so don't feel bad about using "our".

    Wow, how many times can I use quotes in one comment?

  2. Oh, darn...I don't know if I made the deadline.....but I am happy I already have people linking in to my Photo meme for does not take much to make me happy!!

    Love the canvas!

  3. Cograts on YOUR twins!
    What made me happy?
    My 17yo son actually asked me for advice!
    Donna from Australia

  4. One thing that made me happy? That I had presence of mind to take a one minute video of the little snowstorm we had's hard to remember the feeling of awe watching the wind whip snow around the house and yard in the middle of summer's 90 degree heat and humidity. Now, I have something to reflect on! Thanks for the chance to win one of your amazing canvases.

  5. Awww! Sweet! I love babies...and TWINS! Just makes it better!

    As for what made me happy this week...I found 3 fabulous antique furniture pieces in Waterloo, Belgium that will be moving back to the States with me! Oh how I LOVE them!

  6. Yay babies! I'm horribly jealous and praying that God will choose to bless me with twins, too!

    Happiness this week was an awareness growing to fruition that I'm happy, really happy - just deeply content in my marriage.

    Love the canvas! If I win, please send it to someone you would love to bless.

  7. Sara,

    Awesome news!! :) You have every right to say, "our blessings," b/c they soooo are, aren't they?!

    Anyways, you already know what has made me happy this week, but I'll leave it here for everyone else to see. Last night, at 5:40 (PST) I became an OFFICIAL Auntie for the VERY first time. My nephew was 8lbs. 12oz. and 22 inches long. Now, if you knew my sister and her husband you would be laughing hysterically...let's just say, they are BOTH on the shorter end of the spectrum and are two of the smallest people you will ever meet. I honestly am starting to wonder how they even pulled this little guy from my sister's stomach, but they managed and I'm feeling the exact same of excitement as you are!! It's such an incredible feeling!

    Anyways, I love that canvas sooooo much and what an amazing piece of art to put up. I think it might be a very special addition to my nephew's little nursery!! :)

    Thanks for the chance at winning this! You're a such a beautiful woman!

    Jess :)

  8. One should not compare beautiful twins to laundry (well, I guess you could draw some sort of parallel) but I came home from work yesterday to a previously overflowing laundry basket - and all the clothes were folded. Yes, the laundry fairy was here again. Isn't he awesome? I did a happy dance.

  9. Love the canvas and it made me tear up...I'm getting really soft in my old age.

    Yesterday on the spur of the moment 2 of my kiddos, Bethany and Stephie met me for coffee at Starbucks. We snuggled into overstuffed chairs and sipped coffee and chatted about Bethany's wedding and Stephie's baby was a goo day.
    And I promise you when I first read through your blog the little silver link wasn't there, I SWEAR! Obviously, I clicked over later and felt like an idiot when: there it was!!! Beautifullllllllllll~

  10. even though we both got sick, hanging with my little nephew in the park and pizzeria was a joy!

  11. Congratulations to your friend! Two sweet and fun to dress up.

    The quote is a favorite of mine. I would love to be able to hang it on my wall!

  12. Congrats to Nicole and family...and you too Gitz!

  13. Having my 10-month old daugther blow me kisses.

    Love the canvas.

  14. Congrats on TWINS!!! How fun! As to what has made me happy this week? Reading how God is blessing all my blogger friends. :) Blessings, Susan

  15. Holy cow - another chance at a Gitz original!!! Hope it's me who wins...Hope it's me who wins...Hope it's me who wins...

  16. A camera class that I wanted to join was full until May but I emailed the teacher & she agreed to give me one-on-one teaching session this week... couldn't believe it!! This is going to be much better than the class :) I need all the help I can get!!


  17. Oh it's fun to see your excitement for your friend. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    One thing that made me happy this week? hmmm...being used by God in some very mysterious ways.

  18. Congratulations!!

    Something that made me happy this week? One of my best friends got a well-deserved promotion - when I read her email, I grinned at my computer screen like a fool and even teared up a bit. She and I have had some job struggles over the past few years, and I'm so proud of her success!

  19. What a beautiful saying by Einstein... so true, it is. With (my) post today, this was really good for me to read.
    As simple and non-specific... the 'thing' that's made me happy this week is my daughter.

  20. Yeah twins. I have a girlfriend pregnant for the first time at 45 after much prayer and trial. Such a blessing to look forward, too. And it's twins!

    What am I most happy in this week ... the revelation of unity in my family. Like hearts. Like minds. God is leading us and there is no better place to be but in His hands.

    Have a blessed week youself! :)

  21. Awww.. precious!!!
    This is Sahsha's Mummy. My little Sahsha baby-girl always brings joy to my life... In fact, I think I'd like to share this little poem with you that I came across yesterday...
    'Just A Dog'

    Author Unknown

    From time to time, people tell me, 'lighten up, it's just a dog ,' or ,'that's a lot of money for just a dog.'

    They don't understand the distance traveled, the time spent, or the costs involved for 'just a dog.'

    Some of my proudest moments have come about with 'just a dog.'

    Many hours have passed and my only company was 'just a dog,'

    but I did not once feel slighted.

    Some of my saddest moments have been brought about by 'just a dog,' and in those days of darkness, the gentle touch of 'just a dog'

    gave me comfort and reason to overcome the day.

    If you, too, think it's 'just a dog,' then you will probably understand phrases like 'just a friend,' 'just a sunrise,' and 'just a promise.'

    'Just a dog,' brings into my life the very essence of friendship, trust, and pure unbridled joy.

    'Just a dog,' brings out the compassion and patience that make me a better person.

    Because of 'just a dog,' I will rise early, take long walks and look longingly to the future.

    So for me and folks like me, it's not 'just a dog' but an embodiment of all the hopes and dreams of the future, the fond memories of the past, and the pure joy of the moment.

    'Just a dog' brings out what's good in me and diverts my thoughts away from myself and the worries of the day.

    I hope that someday they can understand that it's not 'just a dog,

    but the thing that gives me humanity and keeps me from being 'just a woman.'

    So next time you hear the phrase 'just a dog'......

    Just smile, because they 'just don't understand.'

  22. Sunshine and 30 degrees life my mood right up! In February in Montana you take what you can get :-)

  23. My amazing 2 1/2 year old daughter, who makes me laugh daily! :D

  24. Wow - twin girls - congrats to you and the parents! As a new granny to a grandson born 18 days ago, I know how much fun it is to cuddle and love on newborns. In fact, I had to leave my grandson yesterday and that made me sad. But his little sighs and coos and smiles made me happy all week long. Plus I was able to spend time with both my daughters and their hubbys. Then my maltese, Doogie, was so very excited to have me home after 2.5 weeks being gone. So lots of happy things in my life. I love your canvas and would be excited to win it.

  25. Congratulations ~ twins are so lovely! of my favorite quotes sums my answer well....'There are random moments-tossing a salad, coming up the driveway to the house, ironing the seams flat on a quilt square, standing at the kitchen window and looking out at the delphiniems, hearing a burst of laughter from one of my children's rooms-when I feel a wavelike rush of joy. This is my true religion; arbitrary moments of nearly painful happiness for a life I feel privileged to lead'....Elizabeth Berg.

    Be well Sara,
    Cynthia in Montana

  26. My son asked me to come and make a castle out of legos with him. We sat down, but instead of building, he just climbed into my lap and rested his head on my chest. Best moment of the week, that's for sure!


  27. We have had beautiful spring type weather this week. It makes me happy to be outside working with my plants when the temperature is somewhat cool, but the sun is warm.

  28. Congrats on the babies! So happy to hear that.

    I decided to become a SAHM this week. It is one part terror and two parts joy so maybe that counts. LOL

  29. Congrats!!! And I love your blog!!!

    I am happy about the tiny little baby inside of me, who is a welcomed miracle after 2 miscarriages!!!!

    Erica <3

  30. Yay! I'm happy for you and your friends. Babies are awesome. I'm enjoying your blog.

    As for what has made me happy this week: baby kisses, the crazy stories my three year old tells, and the promise of warmer weather tomorrow.

  31. my bible study with the women. We are studying Esther a la Beth Moore right now. It amazes me that things God reveal to me through my daily time with Him.

    c'mon random picker thingy :)

  32. Well, One thing that has made me happy or brought joy to my week is the same story that Vicky wrote in her blog. I received the email and immediately thought, "what can I do or give". We have so much in the scheme of things that it gave me great joy to give this mom things she could use. My children helped me go through toys and clothes. I went to Kohls and purchased a few new items. The son of 9 had been wearing the same jeans to school everyday of the week because they were all he had. I changed that! Later talking with my kids about all that is going on with this family, my son said they can't even make toast in the morning mom. ( he's 7 and loves cinnamon toast) I told him no honey they can't. We found a toaster in our rummage sale box. By helping this family has brought joy to my life and to my childrens as well. It has opened their eyes to anothers heartache. They know that by helping out is making another family happy.

  33. sweet. Enjoy reading your blog when I have the time. You are very much an inspiration, more and more as I read backwards in the archives. Bless the twins, I'm sure they are precious. The one thing that made me happy this week was our daughter coming over for supper. Love her.....!!

  34. One thing that made me very happy this week was when my son asked me to read a funny joke on his blog. It turns out that he wrote a post titled "My Mom and Dad are awesome." To see my son write such kind words was heartwarming. He is 'one of those' boys who doesn't like to say that stuff so it made my week!

  35. That canvas is beautiful! Congrats on the twins... I always wanted a sister!

    My stand out moment for this week was leaving my yoga class to pick up my 3 month old. He stared at me for a few seconds, and then a light turned on in his eyes and he flashed me a *huge* grin. So sweet to know he really recognized me!

  36. I am a twin with a couple of set of twin nephew.
    One thing that made me happy this week is that someone cleared the sidewalk in front of our house this week. Bless them!


  37. My sweetie, who has been unemployed since August, has 2 interviews this week. I am so happy for him.

  38. Bringing in cake for my co-workers has made me happy this week =o)

  39. Spending any time with my hubby and girls make me the happiest during the week. It's time that I'll cherish forever.

  40. One thing that has made me happy this week - definitely when my boyfriend called to tell me he made an 'A' on his paper that has had us worried for the past two weeks. He has a really strict/tough prof and this is a class he HAS to have to was just a real relief hearing about his great grade :)

    I love the canvas! Thank you for the giveaway :)

  41. We celebrated my daughter's 8th birthday and she had her guests bring treats & toys for the animals at the local shelter. It made me happy (and proud) to watch her distributed toys to the cats and dogs.
    This canvas is beautiful...would love to have it...maybe I'll be as self-less as my girl and give it to her if I wine!

  42. The 2-month old baby that I take care of makes me happy. Especially now that he is more awake and responsive, it's so nice to hear his coos and gurgles in response to my talking to him.

  43. Feeling my baby kick inside of me has made me happy this week. :)

  44. My husband started his new (and great!) job today. we are blessed and happy.

    Love the canvas

  45. One thing that makes me happy is my son Owain. He is a true miracle! This time last year he was fighting for his life in the NICU born with a life threatening birth defect Congital Diaphragmatic Hernia. He spent six weeks in the NICU and has three operation and hi is a survivor my little warrior. I thank god every day for this gift of life,my son.


    Congratulations on the twins!!!!!

  46. The thing that made me happy today is the small miracle of seeing my son go to the potty on the BIG POTTY for the very first time. You have to celebrate small victories! God is good!
    -Amy Starnes

  47. I was holding my 9 month old nephew and talking to my mom when my mom tells me to look at him, when i turn my head all I see is his face smiling at me with his big brown eyes twinkling. It felt like he was saying 'I love you'...made my week =)

  48. Hearing my baby daughter say her own name. It was the cutest! Now she likes to pop out from behind me and say "IIII Rorah!" (Her name is Norah.)

  49. Congrats on the news of your friends twins =]

    The snow and icicles has made me happy this week. It makes everything so beauitful and canvassed!

  50. Yesterday I was doing some grocery shopping. I was pushing my son in his stroller and people would walk by laughing after looking in the stroller. I'm thinking "hmmm". So I walk around to the front of the stroller and here is my 7 month old blowing raspberries (bubbles) as hard, loud and as many as he could. It was hilarious. He reminds us everyday how lucky we are = )

  51. this has been an interesting week...we've been sick in our house with a stomach bug...but one thing that has made me especially happy is that my 1yr old can tell me where his eyes, ears, nose, mouth, feet, and belly are-so cute!

    Congrats to your friend on her twins!

  52. Beautiful canvas!

    The thing that made me happy this week was going to small group on Wednesday with my husband, and my small group leader's 3 year old daughter runs over and hugs me, then another friend's son runs over and hugs me and I just felt like I was overwhelmed by their sweet little faces and exuberance at really wanting to play with Miss Manda! :) Makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over even now!

  53. My husband telling me to "have a most wonderous day!" this morning... and EVERY morning!! And singing [horribly] at the top of my lung to Taylor Swift in my car. :)

  54. Twins are double the fun! Thanks for the chance to enter!

  55. I love the canvas in Jessica Nicole Turner's office. Thanks for opening up the drawing!

  56. I am happy that the sun is shining today! After the ice storm, losing so many trees, so many people without feels like renewed hope! Yippee!

  57. I am happy to be spending one last week with my new daughter before I return to work on Monday. God blessed me with 8 weeks of maternity leave. She will be at daycare 5 minutes from my work- so that is yet another blessing that makes me happy! Thanks for the chance to win!

  58. What made me happy this week? ...being able to spend some alone time with each one of my kids. This almost always never happens :)

  59. My little girl lost her tooth yesterday! She looks so cute!!


  60. Twins-how fun and exciting! Double the blessing.

    As for the thing that has made me happy this week is feeling the power of prayer around me and knowing I can rely on my friends/family to intercede in tough times.

  61. My little girl coming over at random times to give me a bug hug around the neck...that's what makes me happy this week!! She's just recently started to do this, and it's sooo sweet!

    tbmroberts at yahoo dot com

  62. I found out I am pregnant this week! That is what has made me happy thus far this week!

  63. Hearing the pages of Bibles turning during weekly Bible study makes me quite happy. That and sharing devotions with my husband!

    Love the canvas! I would give it a good home!

    Blessings, Sandy
    dixieknitter at yahoo dot com

  64. Beautiful!

    Getting over a stomach bug while 5 months pregnant has made me VERY happy this week!


  65. One thing that has made me happy this week is actually how easy my youngest has been to potty-train. It's going amazingly well and I just couldn't be more thrilled about it! Thanks for a chance to win.

    Jessie, Pasadena, Maryland

  66. My husband and I are getting away for the weekend without the kids and that has made me happy thinking about our fun adult weekend all day!

  67. Oooh! Love it! My husband made me happy when I was crying about something and instead of trying to fix it, he gave me a big hug and said, "Go ahead and cry. It's okay to be emotional."

    Congrats on "your" double blessings!

  68. Beautiful work....

    What made me happy this week. My kids and listening to them play together with no fighting. Also, my husband and how thrilled he was that I made him a homemade cake for his birthday.


    Heather in IN

  69. congrats to your friend on the arrival of her twins!!!

    Something that has made me happy this week is that I got to take my son to Chuck E Cheese on Monday. He's been dying to go, as it seems every other commercial on Nickelodeon is for that place. We had a blast!!!!

  70. I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!!!!!!!

    The also love this painting it would look great in my bathroom!!

    I have very HAPPY that i started my period this week, because we started our first round of clomid.

  71. What makes me happy this week? Two things: (1) that Jessica Turner is cool enough to post this on her blog so that all the other cool girls that follow her have a chance to enter it, and (2) Listening to my son pray for a lost dog that he saw on a flyer outside of our church. I'm happy that he's compassionate for this little dog and his owner at the young age of 5.

  72. This is awesome. I love the quote. My three month old's laughter made me very happy this week. I am so very thankful to have him.

  73. hanging out with my friends this week definitely made me happy...and winning the canvas would as well! :)

  74. My sister finally has guardianship of her nephew. Poor kid never knew where he would sleep or if he'd have dinner. Now he is in a stable home. THANK GOD for small favors.

  75. What a beautiful canvas! Congrats to your friend on the arrival of the twins. What makes me happy...spending time with my sweet family.

  76. dancing in my kitchen!

  77. Congrats to you (and the parents of course lol)!!! Today I was happy when my husband called from Iraq. It's always such a nice suprise, but this time was extra nice b/c I had just thought about him and the time difference between us. But, he called! (at midnight his time) so that made me happy.
    Good luck to everyone!

  78. I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl a week ago today, and that makes me the happiest woman in the world!!

  79. Getting to spend time with my fiance made me happy as he is leaving for a tour of Iraq in 2 weeks. :-(

  80. Congrats!! I have a new nephew who is one week old and cannot get enough of him.

    A simple thing that made me happy this week other then my new nephew is my boys noticing the sparkles in the snow as the sun shone on it. Seeing things through their eyes and taking the time to notice the simple things makes me happy.


  81. Hey! One of many things that has made me happy this of my nephew with his new "short" haircut....He's a cutie.


  82. Congratulations, Auntie! Babies are certainly God's greatest gift!

    My "happy" story is that I received a few items I ordered from a college student on Etsy. Besides the goods being so charming, the emails I've exchanged with the seller & the note she put in my package have certainly given me many smiles.

  83. Can I pick two happy things? Cuz my husband and 6 month old daughter both make me happier than words can express. Last night he woke up in the middle of the night when our daughter refused to sleep and rubbed my back while I tried to calm her down. And then, this morning, my daughter grinned up at me with the sweetest smile when I went to pick her up out of bed. Both made me forget my tired eyes and remember how blessed I am!

  84. Having a healthy 3 year old daughter makes me happy, and a healthy baby boy on the way!

  85. I am happy this week because I am thankful for the blessings of my life...a job, a wonderful husband, a comfortable house to come home to....and the list goes on.


  86. I am a stay at home mom of two children and my husband cleaned our entire condo this week and I was overwhelmed by how great it felt! He does this a lot, but for some reason it weighed more in my heart this week!

    Thanks for entering me into the drawing!


  87. I found you Blog thru Jessica and I thought this was a giveaway worth entering! What made me happy was my little boy this week who turned one and how his face lit up when we sang happy birthday

  88. the joy my friend has over getting an awesome camera for her birthday has made me happy this week! i love to see my friends happy!

    i am checking in from Jessica Turner's blog.

  89. One thing that made me happy? Your FANTABULOUS comment today telling me I had 7 hours to enter this contest.

    You have the most gracious way of pimping your own blog! HA!

  90. I have been stalking your blog for a while now...I know..bad me! I should leave comments!! You truly inspire me and I love how you write...keeps me interested.

    Lots of things made me happy this week...but I guess watching my grandfather love my new son has made me the happiest. My grandfather and I don't have the closest of relationships but I think this might just change that. It makes me smile!

  91. Happy, "baby" is turning three this week. Watching her enjoy her birthday for the first time has made me very happy!

  92. Blowing bubbles with my daughter made me happy!!! :)

  93. What made me happy this week is that I could help out my sister-in-law by watching her son for her. He has a crazy schedule with afternoon kindergarten and she has to find someone to bring him to school at noon. I was very happy to be able to help her out.

  94. What has made me happy this week - having my son read me the book "Matilda" a little each night, and then settling in with a bowl of popcorn to watch the latest installment of American Idol. These are the times I will always remember.
    Beth Ann

  95. Feeling truly valued in my job - and having the best co-workers (who are like family) ever. I love teaching!

    - Mandy

  96. Spending time with my husband and kids...laughing, reading, dancing and loving.

  97. New to your blog, found you off of J. Turners blog. Enjoy browsing through...but I am not sure I can continue to read your blog, for anyone that shares such good news as two little girly twins and not post pics????? That will be hard to forgive.... okay, okay forgiven already, just post pics of those two soon for the rest of us to bounce with silly joy of that only babies can make us have.


    Oh and I am supposed to be over here sharing what makes me happy.....

    Waking up in a free country to worship MY GOD freely every day, every minute ....all the time. Makes me real happy.

    The sunset over the ocean is like a swedish massage to my eyes and mind. Ahhh love it!!

    Reading a sad blog today about a little beautiful girl with cancer and then feeling overwhelmed with joy as I run over and grab my 9 month old little girl and hold my healthy princess.

    I am so abundantly blessed that my cup is over flowing..... I mean that. I feel so in dept to my God for I can never thank him enough for choosing my very presence and the plan he wrote out for my life and my families.

    Thanks for giving me a reason to be reminded of my blessing and happiness and share with you all here.

    God Bless.

  98. Wow twins that's awesome. I am one, and it was great growing up with a friend.
    Lets see.... something that made me extremely happy... Pulling my guitar out of the closet. Great feeling!

  99. What made me happy this week was seeing the excitement of my 3-year-old son when my 5-week-old son smiled at him for the first time. It just made my week and more to see both of them happy. The 3-year-old yelled, "He likes me, Mommy!" How precious is that?

  100. What made me happy this week was God speaking promises to my heart that I'm pretty excited about. :)

  101. Monday night my husband and I had a small apartment fire. Thank GOD all we lost was our couch and side table, however $1000 of damage was done. It's been such a long, horrible, hectic week and we're trying to figure out how to pay for everything.

    Today I got a call from a good friend and her church is donating us a couch from their Sunday school room until we can afford to get a new one. Even during hard times, God still gives me a reason to smile. :-)

  102. I am very happy today because my son is learning to play that piano, and today he was very happy because it now sounds like "REAL MUSIC", or so he says. He's proud and happy, so I am too. Love your canvas -- it is beautiful and the quote is spectacular!

  103. I have 2 boys, almost 2 and 7. They always wrestle around with each other, but today when I got home they were sitting together working on puzzles. It just warmed my heart to see that they are able to sit together and do an activity! I totally agree with the saying on that canvas! I need artwork in my house and would love to win that!

  104. How exciting! Not just one new baby, but TWO!!

    One thing that has made me happy this week is cuddling with my little boy. He's not normally a big cuddler, but he's sick and I'm taking advantage of this time while it lasts!

  105. One thing that has made me happy this week is dreaming of the future with my soon-to-be-fiance. He's the greatest guy I've ever met!

  106. So far the thing that has made me happy this week is having nice enough weather to wash my car and see the sunshine!

  107. Thanks for thinking about all of us :) Hmm.... The one thing that has made me happy this week is that my little boy has now learned how to say "Oh Boy!" and says it all the time... except it comes out "OH BO!"... too cute :)

  108. my beautiful 6 month old daughter slept all the way through the night last night for the first time in over 2 weeks! I was so stoked about that!

    Amy Uppercue

  109. A MIRACLE happened this week in my family. Last week my dad had two very large pollops removed from his colon. The doctors, three of them, told him they were pretty sure it was cancer. This news devastated my family, and we quickly called loved ones and family members to start a prayer chain. On Tuesday, my dad and mom went in for the diagnosis and plan of action. The doctors walked in and said they don't understand, but the pollops were not cancerous. There was absolutely no cancer at all in his colon! They said themselves it was a miracle because they have never removed anything that large and of that color and it NOT be cancer. So this just didn't make me only happy, but made me believe, even more, that God CAN DO MIRACLES!

  110. Listening to my children learn about Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. and state adamantly that everyone is different on the outside, but they are the same on the inside and it isn't what you look like that makes you important, it's your character. It makes me happy to hear my 7 year old and 5 year old learn the principles of equality and be self confident in who they are.

  111. God's blessings have made me happy this week. One thing that sticks out is that I am sooo blessed with my online friends that I love dearly. Everyone is amazing and I love getting to know them! That is what makes me happy. Oh and I helped a gentleman realize that it's ok to have a skilled nursing facility care for his ailing wife as he is ailing himself. He can't do it alone. Everything makes me happy this week!

  112. My daughters laughter makes me happy every day!!!!!!

  113. The fact that I am having another baby has made me extremely happy!!!

  114. BTW, the canvas is absolutely gorgeous! Would look great in the house we are buying! And, congrats on those beautiful baby girls. I'm a twin too! Twins rock! Hope they are doing well!

  115. I just read that Harper is going home tomorrow on Kelly's blog! That made me squeal with joy!!

  116. I wake up with a smile every morning because our resident shihtzu-lhasa apso "clown", Beau-Zo is right there looking at me -- big brown eyes dancing and little crooked bottom teeth shining as he grins at me. He's so incredibly happy to see me every morning. It is impossible not to feel happy around him.

  117. Wednesday night church supper made me happy this week. :)

  118. Ok Gitz--- I would LOVE to win !
    I know that it sounds CHEEZEY... but I frequent a LOT of the same blogs that you do.... and I have been made happy by your awesome comments.
    What made me happy today- was reading the AWESOME quote on your canvas. All cheezy-ness done for now- but I am being honest. :)Thank you for sharing that- and for blessing someone with your talent.

  119. i love the canvase-mainly b/c it's something that since my son was born two years ago, i have thought and cried over many times! so, one thing that made me happy this week was that my son who was born with a heart defect, just had his second surgery and at his follow up today we were totally blessed to hear the words, "we couldn't have hoped for a better repair" from his cardiologist! god has so blessed us b/c both his surgeries, but even more so this last one, have had outcomes better than even the surgeon expected...undeniably god!!!

  120. WOW!! Your work is beautiful!

    My happy moment was when my daughter asked if we could be friends this morning. She'll be three years old in April. It melted my heart and of course, I said yes.

  121. One thing that has made me happy this week is that my 3yr old daughter has got up every morning in a good mood:)


  122. Not to copy but twins make me very happy too! Especially since my little brother's wife just told me on Monday that THEY expecting twins in September!!!! Wahoooooo!!!!

    And thank you for the contest. The print is beeeautiful!

  123. My kids playing together peacefully makes me happy:)

  124. one thing that made me happy this week is that after being on 4medications for a year, my two year old son no longer needs them!!!

  125. Coffee makes me very happy everyday.

  126. When my son toddles over to give me a hug...and remembering about giving birth to him one year ago on feb 11th! :)

  127. Getting electricity after being without it for over a week made me very happy!

  128. My two-year old daughter came home from day care yesterday and told me that she got a stamp on her hand for being the line-leader. It was such a sweet moment!

  129. My husband found out that he doesnt have to be deployed next week! Hooray!!!!

  130. Finding out that I will be getting a tax REFUND this year. YAY :)

  131. Well, besides seeing a blog contest that doesn't require any creativite thinking... I was SO happy to find out how far my manager would go to support me. Yeah, I definitely cried too, but it is so great to have someone with "authority" care so much.


  132. something that made me HAPPY is seeing my friend who moved to the states two years ago and meeting my niece, that I've only seen in pictures before!!! sooo happy!

  133. One thing that has made me happy this week is sleep. I have been feeling a bit under the weather. I work 2 jobs and have a full-time home with a hubby and 3 daughters. My dear hubby let me sleep til 11:15am today and it was blissful!!!!

  134. Hi! I am visiting from Jessica's blog! One thing that made me happy this week was being able to spend today with my little daughter who has croup. I am a teacher & finding a sub was proving the end, I was able to piece something together... :)
    Thanks for the chance to win one of your creations!

  135. The thing that makes me the happiest this week is that my SISTER is coming to visit me!! I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. My husband and I recently moved to TN and I've never lived so far away from I'm happy and thankful she is coming!

    Kristy Sweet

  136. How fun!

    So many little things have made me happy this week!

    I got to scrapbook with my Scripts kit from Scrap ETC this week.

    I had an Espresso Truffle from Starbucks today!

    So many others!

  137. Oh, what a great canvas! My two boys truly are my miracles and they make me happy everyday. My little guy, Logan saw I was having a "hard to smile and get moving day" yesterday. Driving to school he said in a sing songy voice, "mommy, I have a surprise for you!!" what is is baby, I said. "I have a smile in my pocket!" How sweet is that? He makes me so happy!

  138. Last week I was laid off from my job. So I have been very down and crying. My two year old son this morning asked me to lay down on pillow and then placed is hand on my check and said mommy no more cry and then kissed my nose and said love you mommy!!! That just melted my heart!!
    Brandi Stephens
    Birmingham, AL

  139. Watching my two babies (3 and 1) play together always makes me happy. Tonight before bedtime we had some music going in their room and they were having so much fun dancing together and jumping around and this makes me so happy that they truly enjoy one another.

  140. It's crazy. I was just thinking of how I needed a canvas with a scripture to decorate my bedroom in my new apartment!!! One thing that made me happy today was seeing that Harper was going home over at Kelly's Korner. What a sweet little blessing! :)
    Catrina in Oregon

  141. My daughters smile and laugh made me so happy this week!!!!

  142. ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?!?!!!!! 141 unique comments? I figured "oh, somebody hijacked her blog." !!!!! Okay, girl, you've got some READERSHIP here! Or ... at least commentership, and either way, it's WAY more than me. :)

    One thing that made me happy - getting theater tickets to take my friend to the theater - first time ever. :D

  143. hugs and kisses from my little sweeties always make me happy.

  144. I admire your artwork so much! My daughter got 50 chicks for her 4H project today--just hold a fuzzy chick cannot help but bring a smile to your face and make one happy! Too sweet.

  145. My precious newborn baby boy who smiled at me for the first time today! It was wonderful!!!

  146. I am happy that I made it to sunrise yoga this morning.

  147. I'm after midnight so no accusations of kissing up.

    What makes me happy is the tons of readers who had something happy to say and the fact that they said it in hopes of winning your beautiful canvas!

    Still surprised people find your art so desirable?

  148. My daughters huge smile when I pick her up out of her crib each morning....melts my heart everytime!

  149. This is a neat canvas - one thing that makes me happy is that i'm going to vegas in one week :)

  150. I am expecting twins too. And they feel like they are coming into this world any day out. I am just happy I made it this far.

  151. I found out this morning that two great friends of mine got engaged!! It made me smile as largely as possible and jump up and down with joy! You've just got to love miracles!!

  152. damn! i always miss these things!
