
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Found Photos

We have a winner of the [soon-to-be-made-I-promise] canvas! :) According to, the winner is:

Elisa: Thank you so much for your inspiration! Through the rose gardens and stormy seas we are to keep our focus on the Lord, and you have been an encouragement to me through this blog. Not a dutiful focus, but one rooted in joy and delight in Him.

Email me at with your mailing address and I’ll get it out to you as soon as it’s made!

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

I went searching through some folders tonight looking for these pictures I had forgotten about … my friend Wente [who is one of the Big House Girls] had come through town several months ago and ended up stopping in for supper with me and Susie. And, of course, I pulled out my favorite accessory… the camera!


Don’t I have the cutest friends? Wente was such a good sport, since she enjoys getting her photo taken almost as much as I do. In the process of taking pictures she almost got excited about it, though, because she thought that maybe I would stop putting this photo of the Big House Girls on the blog every time I referenced them:


The thing is, Wente is the LAST person in the world who would normally be wearing a crown on her head and a Barbie doll sweater over her shoulders. We were celebrating her engagement in the above picture and took great pleasure in making her wear them despite her feeling ridiculous. You know, because that’s what friends do when they’re happy for you.


Susie and I appeased her that night by taking a group picture, but since our friend Amy wasn’t present it was really a moot point… the Big House just doesn’t work without Amy, our lying-about-bats-in-the-house member of the group.


The night was eventful enough even without Amy there, however. Not only did we do a lot of laughing, talking and looking at old pictures, but it was also the night I opened my laptop to show them photos and it died right before our eyes. Susie had moved the screen to angle it better and the moment she touched it the lights went out and never came back on. The laptop that had been dying a slow death had finally bit the dust.

Poor Suz. That kind of thing happens to her all the time. Ironically, the fact that she touched it and it died was so funny to me that I wasn’t nearly as freaked out as I would have been!


Anyway, the reason I went looking for the photos is because of Susie’s mom, Linda [the one in the middle]. She brings me groceries once a week and this past Friday she brought her two oldest friends, Dixie and Joy, along with her. I hadn’t seen them in a few years and was instantly taken in by their laughing, talking, giggling selves.

They kept teasing me during the photo-taking session that I was capturing mine and Susie’s future on film. That it should serve as a warning, because before we knew it we’d be just like them.

How blessed we are.


  1. Robin~All Things Heart and HomeJune 18, 2009 at 6:35 AM

    I've said it have the best friends. Would love to give each and every one of them a big hug...

    Recent blog:=- Decorating for Summer!

  2. How blessed we are indeed! Thanks for sharing. Blessings, SusanD

    Recent undefined:=-

  3. This has nothing to do with your post. Blogland has shown me once again what a small world it is. I was catching up on some sites I haven't visited in a while and ended up at Grit and Glory. I got there from Missionary Mommy (my daughter went with Global Expeditions to Botswana three years ago so I keep up with Botswana missionaries). Anyway as I glanced at Alece's comments I saw your sweet puppy's face! It was sort of surreal. Knowing God's people are praying for the same things is amazing. Just wanted to share.

    Recent undefined:=-

  4. I enjoy reading about all the people in your life! The party definitely comes to you. Riley sitting on your lap and the two of you wearing "matching" colors cracks me up! :-P I couldn't agree more, if those three lovely ladies and their friendship are your future, what a blessing to all of you!

  5. Oh I love that. Heart friends are such a gift from God. I have realized the older I get that I am blessed beyond measure to have them. There are so many in this world without friends ... real friendships where you can just be you, dirt and all. I know they are God's gifts and I treasure them.

    Recent blog:=- Think on these things ....

  6. Old friends are just the best!
    There is a group of 5 of us that have been BFFs since highschool. Every time we would all get together, we would take a group picture. I just love looking back at them ... the 80s/90s highschool days, the times we got together back at home over college breaks, the vacations, the weddings, the babies.
    I only hope that our photo collection and friendship extends as far as Susie's mom and her gal pals :)

  7. I'm glad to know that you are blessed with such wonderful friends! I know they watch over you like guardian angels. You are an amazing woman and have a beautiful spirit!

    Recent undefined:=-

  8. I'm glad to know that you are blessed with such wonderful friends! I know they watch over you like guardian angels. You are an amazing woman and have a beautiful spirit!

    Recent undefined:=-

  9. I'm glad to know that you are blessed with such wonderful friends! I know they watch over you like guardian angels. You are an amazing woman and have a beautiful spirit!

    Recent undefined:=-

  10. I'm glad to know that you are blessed with such wonderful friends! I know they watch over you like guardian angels. You are an amazing woman and have a beautiful spirit!

    Recent undefined:=-

  11. I'm touched that everyone thinks the Big House friendships are wonderful, but one has commented about the amazing SYMMETRY in those photos :) HeeHee!!!!!! Had a great time that night, can't wait to see you again!
    Love Ya Sara!

  12. What a fun, beautiful group!! You are, understandably, surrounded by loving, joyful souls. Looking forward to checking out their blogs soon! :)

    Recent blog:=- W.A.S.P.P.P.

  13. Great photo of you, Wente', Susie and Riley! I only wish I could have been there too. Matt and I really need to make to the trip to C.F. to see everyone. Miss you!


  14. i know, i really do have the best friends. i'm a lucky girl.

  15. blessings to you tonight, too.

  16. i LOVE that when I find bloggers of mine in other places as well. what Alece is doing in Africa is almost amazing as she is as a person. the world, blog or not, seems smaller all the time...

  17. there's really no choice with Riley... if I'm around he's on my lap, and if there's a camera? forget about it! he's totally going to be in front of it...

  18. i can't imagine life without the friends i have... God definitely gave me a second family in them.

  19. i'm sure it will... as long as you put in the effort the relationship will be there. no doubt.

  20. guardian angels is the perfect way to describe them... you definitely hit the nail on the head.

  21. DUDE, your perfectly symmetrical face just goes without saying... it's so stunning that i'm sure everyone just assumed that was a given...

    :-P Love you, too!

  22. i am always amazed that whether in person or online, i have been gifted with truly lovely people.

  23. miss you, too... and we couldn't stop talking about you that night! sorry i called too late and missed you on your birthday... I've had no voice/breath since then to call again but have been thinking of you and little man Jack!!!
