
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Gitz Bits 2010: Week 3

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Friday, January 15, 2010

1.15.10 Such a poor, neglected puppy. Would you just look at those paws? I told you all awhile ago that I had given him a haircut, but ran out of steam before I could trim his front legs. That was, oh, about three weeks ago. And I’ve decided there’s no point in trimming them now… if I procrastinate a little longer it’ll be time to give him a haircut again anyway!

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Saturday, January 16, 2010

1.16.10Just like I cut Riley’s hair in stages, I eat my vegan cookies in stages, too. There’s a very good reason for this: the calories are redonkulous! I figure I can eat one cookie a week, so I just break off bits each day. They are so super filling, though, I honestly don’t think I could eat a whole cookie in one sitting. It works well that Dawn comes every other week with two cookies… I’m set!

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Sunday, January 17, 2010

1.17.10I may have been just a little happy when the Vikings beat the Cowboys last week. Here’s the thing… I’ve always been a Vikings fan, and I will become a fan of anyone playing against the Cowboys… so this was pure bliss. Many friends on Twitter were commenting about the game, and I posted: “Dear Brett, I know a lot of people say this, but I mean it. I love you. And your Wranglers.”

Somehow, Brett Favre managed to hack into my friend Candy’s account and send me this message through her twitter: “Dear Gitz, I love you too. Don’t tell Twitter our secret. Love, Brett.”

Twitter just makes everything more fun. :)

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Monday, January 18, 2010

1.18.10Sometimes I wish I knew what Riley was thinking, but when he gives an expression like this, I think it’s better off I stay ignorant. That pup just looks like he’s up to something. Regularly.

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

1.19.10I try to find foods that I only have to make once, and then heat up leftovers for the rest of the week. That became a little more difficult once the whey allergy hit, because most of my casseroles or rice dishes in the crock pot contained cream of mushroom soup. And cheese.

I miss cheese.

Anyway, I can eat Prego, so once a week I brown some hamburger, throw in a jar of Prego and call it good. [I know, my culinary skills are confounding you…] Then, I take the Tuscan Herb flavored Stacy’s Pita Chips and scoop up the prego/meat sauce like a dip.

If you close your eyes real tight and squint, while standing on your head and imagining you’re in Italy, you might be able to pretend that the flavor remotely resembles pizza.

The saddest part: I was super excited when I figured that out.

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

1.20.10Several of you asked about this canvas, as a bit of it was peeking out of last week’s Christmas tree photo. [By the way, I’m keeping the tree and getting new lights. I live to be tacky.] This was my first venture into painting/creating something on a canvas. I had no idea what I was doing… I used my house paint colors and a black Sharpie marker and just started.

The photos are of my 10 perfectly adorable and kind-hearted nieces and nephews. I love having their pictures all in one place so I can think of them and smile at them every day. I’m pretty sure most of them would roll their eyes at me if I told them I smile at them each day, but they’ve known me long enough to not be surprised that I’m weird.

The photos are from 2007, but they can be removed and changed out... I’m just not home to make them pose for head shots anymore. And I’m quite certain none of them are complaining about that… I was a bit constant with the camera. :)

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

1.21.10This may surprise you, but the focus of the picture was not intended to be the cute white pup, posing so nicely. I didn’t plan on him being in the photo at all, but he noticed the camera and promptly placed himself directly in front of it. What can I say… he’s vain.

What I wanted to show you is the amazing quilt my friend Suzanne made for me this past Christmas. Isn’t it lovely? I’m still overwhelmed by it… quilting is a totally new hobby for her and, like everything else she does, it obviously came naturally to her. She even made it a lighter weight quilt since she knew I was always hot these days because of the Cushing’s. What a gal.

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Thanks for sharing my week with me! I have to tell you, my creative brain needs to get in gear because I’ve almost run out of ideas for pictures already. I also realized I rattle on so long that some of these could have been individual blog posts in and of themselves! :) Jessica may have created a monster. Click on the button below if you want to go to Jessica’s site and check out the other participants showing off their weekly photos as well:
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