
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Gitz Bits 2010: Week 6

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Friday, February 5, 2010


This photo is courtesy of Susie, because while we were Skyping on Friday night she got waylaid… just like when we’re on the phone together. While she was off helping the boys with whatever they needed at the moment, Miss Sadie hopped up on the chair and started Skyping with me instead.

Seriously. She never gets up on their dining chairs, but she hopped up on her own and cocked her head at me as if to say, “What’s happening? I’m still cute as ever, aren’t I?”

Yes, Sadie. Yes you are, good girl.

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Saturday, February 6, 2010


Every other week I put a pork roast in the crock pot and stand back for eight hours while I watch Riley’s head slowly explode. He lays on the rug in the kitchen, whining while guarding the MEAT!!!!

He also periodically sniffs the floor like he’s doing in this photo, just in case the good smelling MEAT magically drops out of the crock pot and onto the floor.

Never let it be said there is not an abundance of unrealistic hope in this house.divider blue

Sunday, February 7, 2010


I know most people’s highlight of Sunday was the Super Bowl, and I thoroughly enjoyed it myself… but a Tokbox meet up with friends far outweighed the big game in terms of the joy factor. Alece randomly started tweeting some of us on Saturday to check availability, and before we knew it the group was hanging out on my computer screen on Sunday.

It’s clear I love these people, because I’m all chubby with my thin hair falling out, and I showed up anyway. But let’s face it, Riley was the life of the party.

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Monday, February 8, 2010


I am getting soooo close to having my condo back to it’s original state after the Great Flood of ‘09. Larry and the construction guy came on Monday and fixed the two areas of my ceiling that were damaged, and now I’m just waiting to see about replacing the air purifier [it’s not working at 100% since the water damage]. Before you know it, this will all be but a distant memory…

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Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Hey… remember back when I was the most well-groomed dog on the internet? Remember when being blog mascot meant I had haircuts every other month and was brushed every night?

What ever happened to that?

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Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I thought it was time George made his own special appearance in Gitz Bits. You all thought he was just a handy walking machine, didn’t you? No, I can lift the seat and put my most essential items inside. The first thing that went in: my camera, of course. It’s always at my fingertips. :) Since I’m using the camera, you can see the case, as well as the “puffer” that I use when taking flash photos to diffuse the light. Love that thing.

Of next importance: drugs. Lots of drugs. I have my four “days of the week” dispensers for my morning, noon, evening and night doses, as well as a few essentials like migraine meds, inhalers, Benadryl and pain meds. I never leave home without them. Ok, I never leave home, but I never go anywhere within my home without them.

You can see Riley’s collar in the zipper pocket for when company comes, and my handy-dandy Lifeline “I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up” bracelet always within reach. See, Mom? I totally keep it nearby. :)

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Thursday, February 11, 2010


And, of course, I couldn’t take all those meds without this lovely cup holder attachment! I really debated about spending money on this, but it turned out to be the best $20 I ever spent. Do you have any idea how hard it is to walk with a walker while holding onto a drink? It’s not easy, people. And if you set a drink on the seat, no matter how careful you are while walking, it will inevitably fall over onto the ground, causing you to have to clean up the carpet.

Not that I’ve ever done that. Multiple times. In one day.

And I just noticed another benefit of taking photos of random objects every day to put on the blog… anyone else see that crack going down the middle of the glass? I didn’t either until I took the picture…

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Thanks for sharing my week with me! Click on the button below if you want to go to Jessica’s site and check out the other participants showing off their weekly photos as well:
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