
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Gitz Bits 2010: Week 11

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Friday, March 12, 2010

3.12.10I am so enamored by the movie Under the Tuscan Sun. It’s one I keep in the DVD player for those moments when I need to get lost in something. I’ve seen it so many times it doesn’t really matter if I pay attention or not… I can glance up at any moment of the movie and be completely engrossed.

Because I love to pretend that someday, by some crazy miracle, I’m going to relax on the couch in my Tuscan villa while writing my great novel.

The second best thing, of course, is to read a novel on my couch here in the condo and pretend Tuscany is right outside my window. :) Awhile back I won a book giveaway on my friend Liz’s blog, but she knows me so well that rather than send me the Danielle Steel book I’d actually won, she sent me Bella Tuscany, written by the same author as Under the Tuscan Sun.

If you don’t see me for a few days on the blog, blame Liz. I’ll probably be lost in my Tuscan fantasy…

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Saturday, March 13, 2010

3.13.10Since I showed you my niece Avery’s beautiful dish she made me for Christmas in last week’s Gitz Bits, I thought today I’d show off my nephew Cooper’s ornament creation. Aren’t they so unique and lovely? Even though it’s meant for a Christmas tree, I bucked the trend and hung it in my Doodle Wall alcove. Just looking at it makes me smile.

Because a cool kid made it.

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Sunday, March 14, 2010

3.14.10I was telling Jessica awhile back that I think I may have bit off more than I can chew with this whole Project 365 thing. I mean, it’s only March and I’m thinking I’ve about maxed out the creativity for photos in the condo. I had decided that I would still put up Gitz Bits every Tuesday… I just might not have a photo for every. single. day.

She was having none of it. Seriously. I totally thought she’d let me off the hook, but the girl’s a stickler. She literally told me to take a photo of my socks.

So, here’s a photo of my socks. Aren’t they cute? My friend Robin sends a few of us girls fuzzy socks every now and again, and when I’m having “one of those days” I put on my warm and cozy socks, think of my girls and all seems a little more right with the world.  divider blue

Monday, March 15, 2010

3.15.10Unbeknownst to me when I took the photo of my socks on Sunday, I opened a package from Robin in the mail on Monday to discover… SOCKS! How funny is that?

This time they were fun stripey socks that made me laugh. I immediately thought of Pippi Longstocking, which is the first movie I ever saw in a theater. I don’t remember much of the movie, but I do remember the popcorn and the fact that I was shocked that it was still daylight when we left the theater. I think I was so transfixed in that darkened room that I was sure it would be nighttime and just as dark outside when we left.

Crazy the little things that stick with you.

[In case you’re keeping track, Riley still needs a haircut. Really. Really. Bad.]

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

3.16.10Now, just so you all know, I don’t get surprise presents in the mail on a regular basis… but this week I got just a wee bit spoiled. :) My friend Shannon and her girls sent me a belated Valentine that arrived on Tuesday, and it included this fantastic new book. I love that both books arrived at a time when I’m finally back in a reading mood. Now I just have to decide which one I’m going to dive into first!

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

3.17.10Do you see that? It’s called sunshine.

It had been so long since I’d seen it, I almost didn’t recognize it. I was afraid to startle it for fear it would retreat into hiding, but I went ahead and took a photo just to ensure I would remember what it looked like should it decide to leave again.

Sunshine, green grass, no snow… I thought I might be living a dream.

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Thursday, March 18, 2010

3.18.10 And the next night my fears were proven correct.

Welcome to Iowa, people.

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Thanks for once again sharing my week with me! Click on the button below if you want to go to Jessica’s site and check out the other participants showing off their weekly photos as well:
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