
Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday Five: gotta love a good quote

It’s that freebie time of week again...

friday five new

But before we get to the free stuff for EVERYONE, we have to get to the free canvas that chose out of yesterday’s comments.

The winner of a canvas that will say:

"hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. you wait and watch and work: you don't give up." {anne lamott}

KAYCEE D! :) Be sure to email me your mailing address and I’ll get the canvas made and sent off to you! Congrats!


Now, onto the freebies for the rest of you...

I obviously love the sayings I put on canvases, but I also like to use them for other little projects. I write them in the corners of little note cards that I send to friends or as an embellishment for a scrapbook page that holds a bit of meaning.

So I jotted down five of my favorites that are great reminders or bits of encouragement that you can download and use. I kept them pretty simple and not too embellished so they can be used on all sorts of projects... I hope you find a little inspiration in them as well.






All you have to do is click on that download button and it will take you to the download page for the quotes. Hope you enjoy!


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I’m going to be linking my post to Shannon’s Take Five entry [she takes 5 minutes to write 5 things about her week]. Head on over if you want to participate and link up. :)

Have a great weekend, friends, and enjoy the people you love!
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