
Thursday, October 14, 2010

YOU:create ... week 13

You know how some days are just a comedy of errors?

And then you wonder why we call them a comedy when none of it’s funny?

Me, too. Today was one of those days.

My body wasn’t exactly feeling peppy. So I gave myself a pep talk [get it? peppy? pep talk? Ok, maybe just I thought that was funny...] and got out of bed – determined to make a pretty canvas just for you.

And then I couldn’t get the jars of paint open.

[Correction: It went something more like, “These $%^%^&*#* jars of paint won’t open!!!” I have a mouth on me. It’s true. And I’ve decided I’m ok with it. It’s just one more trait I got from my dad. :)]

Eventually Linda came to deliver groceries and she opened the jars for me.

[Yay, Linda!]

Then another sweet friend came over who didn’t realize I was allergic to wool, and I had a bad reaction.

[Boo, wool!]

And the rest of tonight has been spent not painting a canvas.

[Boo, me!]

But then Riley came to the rescue.

[Yay, Riley!]


See, today is Riley the Blog Dog’s birthday. Yep. Big Kahuna is officially 7 years old. Which makes him 49 in dog years [I got out a calculator to make sure. I am just that bad at math]. And in all of his 49 years of wisdom, he came up with a solution.


For his birthday, he is going to give a canvas away to one of today’s commenters. And here’s the twist:

You get to tell me what quote YOU want on YOUR canvas!

That’s right... just leave me a comment telling me what you would like your personalized canvas to say. Then will select one of you and I’ll make the canvas for you this weekend.

It’s a win-win! And I get to stick my tongue out at the comedy-of-errors-day that thought it was preventing me from doing a giveaway.

That’ll show a Wednesday not to mess with me. :)

I can’t wait to see what you guys came up with this week! Just click below and follow the instructions to link to your project. When it asks you to choose the web or a file for your thumbnail, choose web. Then it will take you to a list of the images on the page you are linking to and you’ll be able to choose a photo to represent your project.

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