
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Gitz Bits: Week 11

gitz bits 2011 2

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Monday, March 14, 2011


Look what Nicole brought to my house! Ok, so I think I've told you all that it's just been within the last few years that I have tasted fresh pineapple. I never knew what all the fuss was about… I just figured pineapple from a can was the same as fresh.

OH MY WORD was I wrong. Now, the fresh pineapple that I have had was already cut by the grocer… so having a full-on pineapple in my house was kind of exciting for me.

I know. I totally need to get a life. But at least I can still find joy in the little things. :)

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011


This is an awesome bowl I got through the Dayspring site that I love having in the center of my table, but I had yet to figure out what I wanted IN the bowl. Nicole got some groceries while she was here [hence, the real pineapple], and she put the potatoes and fruit in the bowl for safe keeping.

I realize most people would think… "Hey, great place to store produce!" Instead, I thought, "Hey, I should totally buy some fake fruit and veggies for that bowl!" I'm all about the cheaper option that can't rot. :)

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Anyone who has known me for any length of time is going to be shocked when they read that I have been eating what is in that bowl.

It's called "Texas Caviar," and when Nicole was here she talked it up like it was the best thing on earth. She told me how much her girls love it, that it is full of protein and so good for you. She said her twin baby girls literally eat it with a spoon.

I looked at her like she was nuts because it has things like black beans and black eyed peas in it. I don't eat those kinds of things. I mean, the only beans I like in my chili are pork 'n beans. Kidney beans seriously gross me out. I was super super super doubtful about this, but I know how picky Nicole is so I thought if she was talking it up I should at least give it a try.

When I ate it – and liked it – I offered a chip to Nicole so she could scoop some up, too. She looked at me like I had three heads and said, "Are you nuts? I don't eat food that touches each other!"

She totally hoodwinked me. She is so lucky I liked it.

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Thursday, March 17, 2011


This is Riley, performing a Harry Potter intervention on me.

And I admit, I may actually have a problem. I mean, I own the first six movies [thanks to my brother, Hoody] and can watch them at my leisure. But on Thursday night, when ABC Family started a four day weekend event of Harry Potter movies, I literally didn't turn the channel for four days.

I can't pass up the chance to watch a little Harry. And I'm ok with that. Riley, not so much.

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Friday, March 18, 2011


Friday I started my second round of antibiotics for this latest infection. I have moments of thinking it's a little better, and then I have moments of thinking I'm delusional because I'm not really any better.

I have this habit called "wishful thinking" and it makes it really hard to tell what is from what I want to be. But for now, the infection is still stronger than my positive attitude.

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Saturday, March 19, 2011


This, my friends, is the last little bit of snow that can be seen out my window.


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Sunday, March 20, 2011


Aren't my girls cute?

Meg, Susie and Jenny all got together at Suz's house on Sunday afternoon and skyped me in for a little chat time. My voice is barely audible these days so they had to turn the volume way up, but it worked.

Now I just need technology to figure out how to let them pass me a glass of wine through the screen…

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Thanks for once again sharing my week with me! Click on the button below if you want to go to Jessica’s site and check out the other participants showing off their weekly photos as well:

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