Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Change is Inevitable. Growth is Intentional.

This is a picture of a graphic that Sara drew on the "wall of doodles" in her condo. I have to say that I have used this quote many times and had to use it again this Christmas.

Christmas has always been and continues to be such a blessed and joyous time of year. But even with the blessings and joy, comes a bit of sadness in the midst of it all.

The sadness is in the missing of our loved ones...those who are now in heaven...

and those who could not be physically with us because of distance. The joy comes in the realization that He was born so that we could live! The joy comes in all the memories that can't be taken away!

This Christmas was pretty quiet around my house. The beautiful and blessed changes that happened in 2016 with my son Thomas getting married, also means I have to share him with his new family.

The blessing is the beautiful daughter-in-law and friends that we are blessed to now call family and that we get to share our life with! Change can definitely be hard, and yet it is inevitable. Growth comes when we can find the joy that comes with the change!

What change has been hard for you? What blessings can you see in the midst of the change? That is where you will find the joy.