Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Gitzen Doodles -- Revived!

Hey friends!

I have some exciting news to share.

Many of you have asked for different ways of sharing Sara's message and memory! I know there are so many of you who miss her, love her, and are joining us in ministering God's word to others through her legacy. Thank you!

We have come up with several different items, using Sara's art and font, that you can purchase. 100% of your purchase goes to support the Sara Gitz Frankl Choose Joy Foundation.

On the foundation website you will find various blank inside note cards and post cards that can be used as gifts or to send a message of joy to others. We also have a beautiful necklace that was custom designed by Ambrosia Jewelry. The necklace was inspired by one of Sara's Choose Joy Canvases.

Please check out what we have to offer on

Also, you are able to purchase a kindle version of 31 days of Choosing Joy and 31 days of Choose Surrender on Amazon for $2.99.

We have many daily reminders of Choose Joy available and will be adding more. Keep checking with us!

God bless dear friends!
