Before Sara passed away on Sept. 24 2011, one of the last things she said was, “I want people to continue learning, believing and trusting in God, as I have tried to be His disciple, BUT she said, it’s not about me, it’s about Him, that is the message I want people to hear.” Sara did not want us to put a period on this Choose Joy discipleship. The journey Sara walked had a purpose and that purpose did not have to end because she wasn’t physically with us.
In January of 2016 with the assistance of Mary Carver and Hachette publishing, we launched the book Choose Joy: Finding Hope and Purpose When Life Hurts. Sara’s discipleship and spirit lead words have continued to change lives! God is still speaking using Sara’s journey as an example to us.

Since the launch of the book 1.5 years ago, I have been blessed with speaking engagements; book signings and the ability to create choose joy items to sell as reminders of choosing joy. My family also set up the Choose Joy Sara Gitz Frankl Memorial Foundation so all the proceeds we receive can be provided in grants.
As Sara’s words and guidance…to be intentional in all things…kept running through my head, I continued to pray for an open mind and faithful feet for next steps with this discipleship. I have never felt equipped to be a writer (that was Sara’s gift) and am not at all comfortable being on camera, but I needed to step out in faith and follow a call.
So, the big announcement… On Sara’s heavenly birthday, September 24, 2017, the Choose Joy Foundation with the assistance of Positive Note Publishing, will be launching a Study Guide and DVD series to accompany the book. The Study Guide is titled Choose Joy: Finding Your Hope and Purpose When Life Hurts. It’s about digging in to the book and the lessons Sara gave us through her own life, and making it yours. It is a guide to finding your own hope and purpose when your life hurts.

This publishing journey that my family has been on since 2011 has been all about Him…trusting, being faithful and patient, and saying yes…and it has brought nothing but JOY. We love you Sara and look forward to this continued journey…using a comma…listening when God speaks and making it all about HIM.
If you are interested in assisting us in the launch of the study guide and DVD series, please send me an email at choosejoyfoundation@gmail.com.
Peace my friends…thanks for walking this journey with us!